Chapter 7: The Big Mistake

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[A/N: OMG my longest chapter to date!! i hope you enjoy!! :3]

Fire Spirit excitedly floated his way through Wind Archer's forest. He was overjoyed to hear that Wind Archer had responded to his request.

[Fire Spirit POV]

Fire Spirit: I drift to an eventual stop. I look around the area. "Wind Archer? Are you here?" The forest is silent. "Wind Archer?" I call again.

Fire Spirit felt a mysterious hand touch his shoulder. It was cold... and was he sizzling???

Fire Spirit: As I turn to look... I jump back! "S-S-Sea Fairy!!!"

Sea Fairy: "Relax! I was dusting off your shoulder... You're suit is covered in all sorts of crud." She folds her arms and glares at me.

Fire Spirit: I shake. "W-w-w-what are you doing here?!" I take a step back but she follows me.

Sea Fairy: She scans her eyes along my torso, chortling as she looks particularly at my tensed hands. "Why are you so nervous? I already extinguished you once. Unless..." She takes another few steps closer to me.

Fire Spirit: I back up a few more steps, but trip over one of Wind Archer's lawn shrubberies. I watch in horror as she approaches me, only to hover over me like a butterfly.

Sea Fairy: She leans over me. "You don't think Wind Archer would honestly write you a love letter like that, DO you?" She leans back up in howling laughter. It was so loud the whole forest could hear it.


Silently, Wind Archer sat his silent vigil upon a forest overhang. He watched every move of the forest and listened to every rustle. "11mph... wind north." He focused particularly on the wind, feeling it brush along his skin. Just in that moment, however--

[Wind Archer POV]

[Wind Archer]: I leap to my feet. I know that damned laugh anywhere... Sea Fairy! But, why would a voice like that be coming from my forest?! I swing my bow from my back into my hand, tightly gripping it in between my fingers.
I take a step back, taking a sharp breath in. I must investigate, for the sake of my forest. For the sake of...

Wind Archer leapt up into the air, unfurling his glorious green-feathered wings. He spiraled down to the forest, effortlessly wading through the trees.

[Fire Spirit POV]

Fire Spirit: I shake my head. "O-of course I didn't come here in response to that letter! This is a big misunderstanding--why do you know about that letter?!?!"

Sea Fairy: She laughs again, shaking her head. "You're as naïve as they say."

Fire Spirit: I turn a brighter shade of red, softly sizzling with anger. "What do you want from me?!"

Sea Fairy: She sighed, wiping the tears from her cheek. "You can't be that dumb, Fire Spirit. I've never felt someone so... firm. I come with a request. A request, for your..."

"FIRE SPIRIT!", a voice shouted from the forest.

Sea Fairy: She perks up and turns around, just barely in time to dodge the fast-flying projectile barreling for her at Mach-1.

Flipping and landing behind Fire Spirit, Wind Archer appeared out of nowhere! Sea Fairy stammered back, startled by the sudden and unexpected appearance of Wind Archer.

[Wind Archer POV]

[Sea Fairy]: "Wind Archer!!! What are you doing here?! Aren't you on guard duty?!"

[Wind Archer]: I land flawlessly, nocking an arrow to my bowstring. I rise up completely, pulling it back as I do so. "Get out of my forest!", I warn. "I will not hesitate to use force!"

[Fire Spirit]: He clings desperately to the shrubbery, which he is still laying upon. The leaves are beginning to smoke.

[Sea Fairy]: She takes a step back, pointing her blade at Wind Archer. The realization that she would not win in ranged combat was quickly dawning upon her, as she had no access to water at this time. "I don't want anything to do with you!! I just came to you for access Fire Spirit's—"

[Wind Archer]: "You came here to cause Fire Spirit further suffering! Do you not see that you have already caused him much torment as is?!" I feel my chest constricting and my face heating up. I haven't felt this angry in what felt like... a millennium.

[Fire Spirit]: He struggles out of the thorns of the shrubbery, smelling the smoke arising from its delicate leaves. He keeps his eyes locked to Sea Fairy, fearing what kind of wrath she intended with that palm of hers.

[Sea Fairy]: Her eyes quickly shift down to Fire Spirit before she moves her eyes back up to mine. It is made clear that, at this point, she intends to make a move on him while she still can. "As if he has ever suffered for a day in his life! He knows no such torment as you or I!"

[Wind Archer]: I begin to strafe left, slowly hiding Fire Spirit behind me. I keep my arrow pointed to her skull, prepared to fire at any given moment. "Leave now, or you will suffer the wrath of the Millennial Tree and its guardian!"

[Fire Spirit]: He looks up, watching me cross in front of him. Quickly, he manages to escape the straggle thorns and wriggle away from the shrubbery. He jumps to his feet from behind me.

[Sea Fairy]: She swallows. She takes a step back, now realizing that she is truly outnumbered. She glares at the both of us. "You're both desperately out of your minds. You two loathe him, yet here you are, defending Fire Spirit as you would a friend."
She takes another few steps back before disappearing into the forest. There is the distinct noise of her running.

[Wind Archer]: I let my arms rest, allowing the bow string to relax back to its normal state. The arrow touches the soil. I turn around, seeing Fire Spirit backing up from me. "Why are you out here?"

[Fire Spirit]: He stops in his tracks. He sighs. He has no choice, but to confess. "Sea Fairy wrote me a letter, addressed from you. She even left me with warm fajitas. She made a promise that 'you' were going to cook for me."

[Wind Archer]: I shake my head, sighing. I reach up and tuck my arrow back into its spot in my quiver. "Is my shrubbery still in good condition?" I look down at it. Besides some mild wear and tear, it is mostly untouched. "Come inside, then." I make my way toward the door. "I'll replace those kitty-litter fajitas she made for you."

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now