Chapter 8: The Good, the Bad, & the Fiery

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[Devil acookie POV!!!!]

Devil Cookie angrily flied through the forest with Wind Archer's note tightly gripped in his hand. He was angry!

Devil Cookie: *he flies fast through the forest and eventually ends up at the treehouse. he looks inside the window to see...* DAD!

Fire Spirit sat at the table as Wind Archer cooked on his stove. They seemed to be talking, but neither looked super entertained.

[Fire Spirit POV]

Fire Spirit: I lift my head, hearing my favorite nickname. I squint out the window. I jump from my seat, realizing it's my son! "Devil Cookie?!"

Devil Cookie: "What the frick Dad?!?!"

Wind Archer: He looks out the window before turning back to the stove. "You're welcome to come inside, Devil Cookie. I made extras."

Devil Cookie: "COME OUT HERE!!!"

Fire Spirit: I sigh, looking back at Wind Archer before stepping outside. "Why are you here and how did you find me???"

Devil Cookie: He crosses his arms and shakes his head at me. "You left your letter on the table. You're having dinner dates with WIND ARCHER COOKIE?"

Fire Spirit: "No! It's not what it looks like! I was just—"

Devil Spirit: He shakes his head in disapproval. "You're hanging out with..." He looked around and leaned in close to whisper to me. "The good guy?"

Fire Spirit: "Of course I'm not!!! That letter was written by Sea Dairy!!!"

Devil Cookie: "AS IF!! It said it was from Wind archer!"

Wind Archer: "Your fajitas are going to get cold, guys."

Fire Spirit: "We can talk this out over dinner, Devil Cookie! Our fajitas are getting cold."

Devil Cookie: "No way! Those fajitas were soggy and gross!"

Wind Archer: "Those weren't mine. Now, come in here before I force you in here."

Fire Spirit and Devil Cookie dejectedly entered the treehouse, taking their seats. They served themselves and immediately started enjoying their fajitas. However, something was... off about them.

[Wind Archer POV]

[Wind Archer]: I watch them eat. I take note of their odd behavior toward each other. They are not normally this irritated around one another.
"Are you two enjoying your meals?", I ask.

[Devil Cookie]: With his mouth full, he grunts, "These are... fantastic."

[Fire Spirit]: Silently, he nods his approval.

[Wind Archer]: I nod back. My eyes drift away from the two of them, gazing outside the window. The light from the moon, as well as Fire Spirit, illuminate the room with a soft glow.

[Timeskip brought to you by Kiwi's Motorcycle! Vroom vroom :333]

Devil Cookie flew out into the open night, chuckling maniacally.

[Fire Spirit POV]

Devil Cookie: "Thanks for the food, Wind Archer! Gives me fuel to go out and BULLY somebody! Hehehe!" He flies off, never to be seen again for the rest of the night.

Fire Spirit: I wave up to him as I lift off of the deck. I turn around to face Wind Archer. "Thanks. You've been a big help to me tonight."

Wind Archer: He smiles very softly at me as I take off. "Always a pleasure. Are you going with Devil Cookie?"

Fire Spirit: I shake my head. "I was going to sit at the volcano for the rest of the night. Probably play something fun like COD. Or I'll sit bored at home."

Wind Archer: He nods. "You are a man of good taste. If you need something to do, however..." He looks down and takes his bow off of his back. "I'll be watching over the forest. You might learn a thing or two about my home."

Fire Spirit: I tilt my head, surprised. "You mean it?"

Wind Archer: He looks back up at me. "Yeah. I could always use an extra pair of hands."

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now