Chapter 12: The Prophet

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A/N: someone left a comment calling devil cookie homophobic and i've been thinking about it ever since o_o

btw i think this is my new longest chapter to date! :3



[Wind Archer]: I fire one last mighty arrow at the foul creature, striking it square in the retina.

The Eye releases a squeal of painful chimes as the arrow pierces its flesh. It retreats back to the shadows, disappearing into the void of nothing.

[Wind Archer]: I let my bow arm go limp, exhaling as I do so. As I start to turn back to Fire Spirit, I hear a voice interrupt me.

[Mysterious Voice]: "Wind Archer, Wind Archer...", the voice oozes. It wreaks of ages past, before even I had been breathed into the world.

[Wind Archer]: I feel a cold breeze come over me, and I freeze in place. It feels as though time as stopped around me, and I know what's coming for me.

[Mysterious Voice]: "You and I never seem to be able to part ways for long," the voice laughs.

[Wind Archer]: "Such is my curse," I respond, my voice cold.

"There is not a moment that I do not regret what happened to that damned priestess of yours

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"There is not a moment that I do not regret what happened to that damned priestess of yours."

[Mysterious Voice]: "Oh, sweet bowman," the voice scorned, "Pomegranate Cookie still remains intact."

[Wind Archer]: I cock my head up in surprise. "She's... alive?"

[Mysterious Voice]: "You and your animal friends did leave her with marks, do not mistake me. But she is of no threat to you, now. She resides in the Pantheon of Starlight, where I believe she intends to remain from here on."

[Wind Archer]: "She resides with... the priestesses of another temple?"

[Mysterious Voice]: "You understand more than you let on, dear hunter."

[Wind Archer]: I shake my head. "Spare me your sweet words, witch. For what reason do you make your presence known here?"

[Mysterious Voice]: After a short pause, the voice responds: "I have a proposition for you, bowman."

[Wind Archer]: Tightening my hand on my bow, I whip myself around, snarling at the witch. "I know far better than to accept one of your 'propositions'!" I point my bow directly at the witch.

[Mysterious Voice]: The witch takes a step back from me, almost startled by my sudden change in tone. "My, my, bowman. You have not lost that spark of yours, I see." The witch smirks something twisted at me.

" The witch smirks something twisted at me

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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝓊𝓂𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 (Fire Spirit x Wind Archer)Where stories live. Discover now