time to relax

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bts is one the most popular k-pop groups right now, working hard day and night. they have practice everyday, for long hours. waking up early and always busy. they practiced and recorded all the time. so when they get a break, they all relax. each of them all have their own ways of relaxing and destressing, of course. they would sleep in, or watch tv all day, etc. but jimin? he had his own ways of coping with the stress.

it was his little secret, that he somehow managed to keep from the rest of the group. whenever he was feeling super stressed, he would dance his ass off, or hold his favorite stuffie and put a binkie between his lips. little space brought such relief for the small boy, but he'd never let anyone know that. little space was weird, no one would accept or understand it.

it was currently a saturday night, the boys had off tomorrow and could finally take a break. they had recently moved dorms. they still lived in seoul, just in a bigger, better dorm. jimin had gotten lucky enough to now room with his yoongi-hyung. him and the elder may bicker a lot, but they actually got a long really well. they understood each other. they both knew each other's weird habits and behaviors and could read each other. for example, when yoongi is really quiet when eating, most people think he isn't enjoying the food. but jimin knows that's not the case. yoongi is loving the food, and being silent to appreciate how delicious it is. or when jimin isn't doubling over at how funny something is, yoongi knows there's something up. jimin was such a bright person, he would never just hold a simple smile.

even more lucky, yoongi respected the youngers privacy. yoongi would never go through his stuff, so his secret was safe. the bottom drawer of his nightstand had 2 binkies, one pink, and one lilac. he also had a coloring book in there with some crayons. his favorite stuffie, a white cat, that he got from yoongi one year for his birthday, sat on his bed. no one said anything, since they thought he treasured because it came from yoongi. jimin treasured everything the elder gave or said to him.

jimin loved yoongi so much. and yoongi loved jimin just as much. all the members knew that. over the years of being in the group, brought them closer. they weren't dating. neither one ever brought it up. sure they would cuddle, or hang onto each others shoulders all the time, but weren't dating.

it was around 10pm and jimin was exhausted from the week, so he decided to head to bed. when he walked to his room the lights were off, and there was a lump in yoongi's bed. the elder was already in bed. jiminie hated the dark. so he quickly turned on the light, hearing a groan from his hyung.

"jimin-aaah! turn that shit off."

"i'm sorry, yoongi-hyung! gimme one sec, please!"

the younger scurried off to his bedside table, turning on his cat shaped night light lamp. once it was on he quickly ran to shut the big over head light off.

"goodnight hyung! sorry once again.."

"shh jiminie time for sleep, night."

with that yoongi rolled over to face the wall, and drifted off into dreamland. when jimin was sure the elder couldn't see him, he grabbed the lilac binkie out from his drawer, and stuck it in his mouth. he giggled to himself quietly, while holding his kitty, named yoongles. he also rolled over to face the wall, pulling the blanket up, over his mouth. so when he woke up his secret would still be hidden.

within about 10 minutes the little was asleep.

~the morning

jimin had woken up first, and he stretched while his pacifier fell out of his mouth. he made a small screech noise, as if a kitten. he quickly hid his binkie and put it back in the drawer. he gave yoongles a kiss on the head, before he softly placed him down on the bed. when he stood up he could see his hyung still fast asleep. his hair going in all directions, with his mouth opened a slight bit. it brought a smile to jimin's face. he knew better than to wake yoongi up, he didn't want the elder to hate him after all. that's the last thing he wanted, actually.

the younger admired his hyung so much. he had so much respect for him. what jimin really wanted was to be yoongi's boyfriend. maybe even his little! but that would never happen. his hyung didn't like him back. and he definitely wouldn't want the burden of being his daddy, no way.

jimin sighed and tapped on the elder's feet before he walked out to the kitchen to see namjoon and seokjin eating some breakfast. the rest of the boys must still be sleeping.

the small boy never noticed how his yoongi-hyung had a soft spot for him. if jimin needed something, yoongi would try his best to help. if he was sad, the elder would make a silly face, or do a ridiculous dance, just to make him smile. but of course jimin thought he treated all the members the same.

yoongi woke up about an hour after jimin, and the rest of the boys were awake as well. he walked into the kitchen to get his cup of coffee. he drank black coffee straight. no creamer, no sugar. jimin called it 'death in a cup'. it brought a smile to the elders face, thinking about it. he walked into the dorms common room, where there was a couch and some chairs, along with a flat screen tv. jeongguk was on one of the couches with taehyung laying on his shoulder. this was normal for the pair. hoseok was in a chair, and jimin was on the other couch. he was sat criss crossed apple sauce and had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. his eyes were big as he watched the screen.

yoongi sat down next to jimin. he was greeted with a huge grin from the younger.

"morning, yoongi-hyung"

"good morning jimin-ah."

when he looked at jimin, his heart hurt. he was just too cute. two things in this world made the famous "SUGA" soft. jimin and minholy, his beloved dog. yoongi was 1000% inlove with jimin and he knew it. he didn't act on it because jimin didn't feel that way towards him. definitely not.

something on the tv made jimin giggle, and before the elder knew it jimin was falling over from laughing. he fell over into yoongi's lap, something he did all the time when he was close to yoongi. yoongi had a small smile, while he ruffled the boys hair. it made jimin beam with happiness, as he sat up and was now sitting slightly closer to his hyung.

(just like this)

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(just like this)

they all just lounged around all morning, enjoying each other's company. a couple times throughout the day jimin wanted to be in his headspace, he wanted to be small. but he couldn't since he was around his friends. especially when yoongi ruffled his hair, all he wanted was to be tiny and hear the words, 'good boy', come out of yoongi's lips.

after all seven of them ate some lunch, some continued to watch tv, or workout, or went to work on some music. yoongi went to his studio and decided to work, even though he should be taking a rest. jimin frowned at this, but knew his hyung wouldn't listen to him. he would just work anyways. since his room was now free, he decided to color.

he sat on his bed and decided to color a cute tiger picture. he laid on his tummy and had his feet swinging in the air. he was about half way done, when taehyung entered his room, without knocking.


1339 words
originally written on 3/17/21
hope u enjoyed ❤️

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