the shower

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jeongguk helped jin and namjoon prepare dinner for the seven. namjoon wasn't trusted with a knife, but did what he could to help out. plus he was spending time with his jin-hyung and that was always fun and full of giggles.

they had gotten dinner done and called the rest of the boys to come and eat. the rest of the four poured in and all sat down. taehyung next to gguk, namjoon next to jin and hoseok, and then yoongi and jimin.

no one was surprised. they didn't have set spots at the table but jimin and yoongi were always together. jimin didn't quite finish his food and yoongi stole a piece of his plate while smiling. this made the younger unbelievably happy. yoongi had a bad habit of not eating because of work, and jimin helped him work through the struggle. he was by the elders side the whole time.

so now that he didn't have to tell his hyung to eat, he was ecstatic.

jimin didn't touch his broccoli too much, because it was gross. and yoongi noticed this. he picked a piece up from the youngers plate and held it up to jimin's mouth.
"you need your vegetables, min."
"they're gross hyung, i don't want them."
yoongi only raised a single eyebrow at the younger, before jimin opened his mouth and let his hyung feed him.


jimin could feel himself going into headspace and he was so mad at himself. he doesn't want to scare his hyung away.

"there you go, you always need your vegetables okay?"
jimin just nodded, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

no one really paid attention to this little encounter because things like this always happened. the only ones who reacted were taehyung and jeongguk, raising their eyebrows at him.

after dinner everyone put their dishes in the sink, and it was jimin's turn for dish duty. he just sighed before he started to work on the stack of plates and cups. he left utensils for last, since they were the easiest. by the time he was done everyone had left the kitchen and went off to do their own things.

jimin wanted to see yoongi again, but he had no reason to. the elder had went back to work on his music anyways, so he didn't wanna bother him. he decided he'll practice some of their routines, since he had a lazy day.

he practiced the choreography for mic drop, dna, and go go. he was a perfectionist so he spent a few hours doing these 3 dances. with the occasional water break here and there.

the practice rooms were next to the boys studios, and yoongi could hear the music blasting from the dance room. it was getting kind of late and he was surprised it was still going. he knew it was jimin, no one would be dancing this late.

yoongi had wrapped up for the day and the music was still going. he decided he would check on jimin.

he walked down the hallway and could see the younger through the glass door. he was sweaty and looked exhausted but still put all his heart into the routine. once the track stopped yoongi walked in.

"jimin-ah, i think you've practiced enough for today.."
"but it's not perfect yet, hyung."
"tomorrow is another day."
"no i need to-"
"please min, for hyung?"

jimin just looked at yoongi, who was giving him the puppy eyes.

yoongi kept using the third person to talk about himself, and that also made jimin feel small.

"o-okay hyung."
"thank you jimin."

jimin collected his things and turned the lights off to the room. yoongi waited for him and slung an arm around his shoulders. they walked together back upstairs.
"whew kid, you need a shower."
"i was working hard!!", jimin pouted.

yoongi showed him his gummy smile and said, "relax, i'm just kidding. but take a shower and then right to bed okay?"

"you got it, hyung."
jimin smiled at the elder.

maybe yoongi did take special care of jimin. this brought a smile to his face.

~after the shower

the blonde haired boy turned off the water
and went to grab his towel. he had to step out of the shower a little bit to be able to reach the towel. there wasn't a towel on the floor so his wet feet touched the cold tile and he slipped. he landed right on his wrist.

yoongi and jimin shared the bathroom connected to their room, and currently yoongi was just laying lazily in bed. then he heard a thud. he knocked on the door and called out to the younger.
"minnie you okay?"

there was that name again, minnie.
jimin was already kind of in his head space but now that he was hurt, he was totally in it. and then there was yoongi who called him that adorable nick name.

yoongi didn't get a response and only heard sniffles. he opened the door and saw the younger holding his wrist, with the towel wrapped around his shoulders.

yoongi crouched down to the younger and asked what happened.
"i-i was t-trying to get my t-towel and fell.." he said in between whimpers and sniffs.

"aww minnie.. i'm sorry. can hyung take a look at your wrist?"
jimin just nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

yoongi moved it, earning a slight wince from the other boy. he was so lost in his headspace from how gentle the elder was being.

"daddy, it hurts.", he said with another sniffle.
"i'm sorry min, i'll call the doctor and have them take a look at it, alright?"
"the d-doctor is scary.."
"no no don't worry, i'll be there the whole time, okay?"
jimin once again just nodded.

yoongi was not expecting the name
daddy to come out of jimin's mouth, but he didn't say anything. he didn't wanna make the younger boy feel even worse.

jimin had always had a childish like personality, so yoongi treated him
and protected him like an older brother would. but now he called him, daddy. he was definitely gonna do some research later.

"let's get you dressed and then i'll call the doctor."

yoongi laid out the hoodie he was wearing earlier to give to jimin, and grabbed underwear and sweatpants from the boys dresser.

"here you go min, i'll be right back. yell if you need me."
"tank you, hyung.."

and with that yoongi went to the kitchen to use the dorm phone to call a doctor to check jimin's wrist. they couldn't exactly just go out, anymore.

when yoongi got back to their room, he saw jimin struggling to put the hoodie on.
he walked over to the younger.
"arms up."

jimin did as told and the elder helped him out the hoodie on, careful to
avoid the wrist that was hurt.

"there you go."

"thank you, daddy.. it really hurts.."

"i know, i know. why don't we go watch some tv as we wait for the doctor, hm?"

jimin just nodded.

it was late, so all the boys were in their rooms and it was just the two of them on the couch. yoongi sat down first at the end of the couch, while jimin sat right next to him, not leaving a gap. the younger leaned on his shoulder, and let another cry escape.

"don't worry, minnie. they'll be here soon and take perfect care of you.."
1219 words
originally written 3/18/21
hope u liked it, mwah

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