isn't it obvious?

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taehyung had came into the blonde mans room without knocking and very clearly saw jimin coloring, his cute tiger. jimin quickly tried to hide the book causing his crayons to spill everywhere.

"h-hi taehyung! uh what's up!"
"were you coloring?"
"what?? no!!"
"yes you were! it was a pretty tiger!"

jimin just looked at his hands. he was very embarrassed. his best friend caught him coloring like a child. he surely thinks jimin is a weirdo now.

"can i color too? pretty please?"
taehyung's eyes were big and sparkly. he loved coloring.

"wait, you wanna color, taehyungie?"
"i love coloring!! i always show ggukie when i'm done and he loves them!"

jimin's mouth was in the shape of an O, he was shocked. his best friend likes coloring too? and shows jeongguk? was he.. could he be? a little?

"mhm! ggukie says one day he'll even put them on the fridge!! but you know, can't do that here because the guys would find it weird.", he just pouted.

"a-are you a little?"
the slightly younger boy just looked at him with big eyes.

"yeah? i've seen your stuffie and coloring books before, so i knew you were one. so then i felt comfortable enough around you- i thought i told you?"
"no no you didn't taetae!!"
taehyung just giggled.

jimin was actually very happy. his best friend was also a little and understood what he did!

"oh my goodness taehyungie it's so nice to have a friend that understands!! wait so is jeongguk your caregiver?"

taehyung just nodded happily.
"he takes such good care of me, i really love him jiminie.."
"aww.. you're so lucky! i want a daddy."
jimin was frowning.

"ask yoongi-hyung! he'd do it in a heart beat i bet!"
"what? yoongi-hyung? no he wouldn't. he would find it weird. besides he doesn't like me like that anyways.."
"i know you did not just say that.."
he had sass to the way he talked.

jimin just looked at his friend puzzled.
"jiminie don't you see how that man treats you? he's so in love with you, oh my god.."

jimin had a huge blush across his cheeks. did his hyung really like, no love him?
"you really think so?"
"oh please, i know so. come with me."

taehyung took jimin's hand and walked them out into the living room where hoseok and jin were watching tv.
"yes taehyung?"
"is yoongi-hyung in love with jimin?"
not even a second later, "absolutely."

taehyung smiled and then turned to seokjin.
"is yoongi-hyung in love with jimin?"
"yeah of course he is, has been for a while now."

jin said it like it was nothing. as if everyone was already aware that yoongi loved jimin.
"see jimin!"
"i dunno.."

taehyung was still holding jimin's hand was now leading them to the gym part of their dorm.
"over here, taehyung!"

jeongguk was currently doing a quad exercise and sat on the bench when he saw his little taehyung and jimin come over, holding hands.

"can you please help me convince jimin that yoongi-hyung is in love with him."
taehyung was pouting at him.

"are you serious jimin-hyung? you don't see how he looks at you, or how he's super protective of you?"
"doesn't he treat.. everyone that way?"

taehyung and jeongguk just looked at jimin with disbelief.
"hell no, yoongi-hyung doesn't let anyone touch him or hug him or anything. but you? he lets you give him hugs and hang off him. he even lets you jump on his back. have you ever seen him let anyone do that with him, willingly?", jeongguk said with a smirk.

yoongi's little boy (m.yg,✔️Where stories live. Discover now