avoid him

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the boys woke up for another busy day. not as busy, since they didn't have a music video to shoot. jimin reluctantly sat up rubbing his eyes, smiling when he remembered how sweet his hyung was being to him last night. but then it turned to panic, he was little around yoongi!

he looked over at the elder who just woke up, and started to get nervous. what was he gonna do? did the elder know of jimin's secret now? how would he re-, wait a minute.

another memory came back into jimin's, he called him daddy. the younger was so upset with himself, he didn't want to make his hyung think he's weird.

before he yoongi could even say good morning to the younger, he was running out of the room. he was so embarrassed. he would just avoid yoongi.

when yoongi sat up, he saw jimin dash out of the room. what's he doing?
he just brushed it off and went to brush his teeth and get dressed for the day.

when everyone was up, they all had some breakfast. which again was brought to them since they wouldn't have the time to
cook. today jimin decided to sit next to hoseok and namjoon. he didn't want to see yoongi, he was still too embarrassed.

jimin and yoongi always sat together, so a few of the members were surprised to see jimin sit next to other people. even yoongi looked at him, with a small pout. the elder didn't make a fuss about and just ate his food.

today they would need to practice the choreography for spring day, of course.
a new album was coming out soon for the group, which means they will be going on tour in the next 6 months. they needed to start practicing now, since they had to perform old and new routines.

jimin was not excited about this. there one was particular part when jimin and yoongi had to sit, back to back. he wanted to avoid the elder!! not sit right next to him! curse you universe, jimin thought to himself.

when this part came up, yoongi could feel how much jimin was shaking, since their backs were touching

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when this part came up, yoongi could feel how much jimin was shaking, since their backs were touching. luckily they were just dancing, not singing. the younger was a nervous wreck, who was convinced yoongi thought was a weirdo.

right on que, jimin sprang up quickly to get away from his hyung, and continued to dance.

jimin's whole passion was dance, he put his heart and soul into every practice and performance. but today something was off with the boy, and it didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the boys.

everyone was grabbing some water, and namjoon went up to jimin to make sure he was okay.

"hey jimin? you okay, something seems to be bothering you?', he asked in a low voice, not wanting to embarrass the boy.
"n-no i'm okay hyung! don't worry! just didn't sleep too good last night..", that was a lie. he slept amazingly because yoongi tucked him in.

namjoon just nodded and didn't continue to push. they boys continued to practice until about 4 and then went back upstairs to eat some dinner. yoongi tried to sit next to jimin, but he moved. claiming he forgot something. then he sat down next to taehyung.

after dinner jin was doing the dishes. and the other boys went to just relax since they had a full 8 hour day of practice. but yoongi went down to his genius lab and decided to work because he was stressed. that's the thing about yoongi, all he knew was eat, sleep, work.

jimin was worried about the elder but just let him go work. he was still upset with himself about last night. jimin was watching tv with the rest of the boys until about 10:30pm before they all decided they were tired.

yoongi still hadn't come back up stairs. jimin was even more worried, but still couldn't bring himself to face his hyung so he just went to bed. he turned the cat light on and held his yoongles close.

stirring in his sleep like normal, he rolled over and saw that yoongi's bed was still empty. he looked at the clock.. 2am. that's it, jimin couldn't let his yoongi-hyung work this long.

jimin took his blanket over his head and started to walk down to the other boy's studio. he was turning on lights as he went. he reached the door, he could tell the lights were on. he knocked a few times softly, but didn't get a response. he opened the door and saw yoongi asleep on his desk. jimin quickly walked up to him and saw the paper with words on it, under him.

what did i do?
did i hurt him?
i hate myself
he deserves better.

jimin read this things and left an ugly sob escape his lips, none of it was true. the elder took good care of jimin and protected him. he hugged the elder who was still sleeping on his desk, from behind.

"i-its not t-true, hyung!"
yoongi was startled by this this and looked up to seeing jimin crying his eyes out. when the elder looked up, jimin could see his eyes were red and puffy, he was crying.

jimin was crying even harder now, he made his hyung cry..
"y-yoongi hyung, i don't hate you.. i love you!", more tears.

without a word yoongi pulled jimin into his lap, just hugging the smaller boy.

"why are you avoiding me, min? did i do something? did i.. hurt you?"
"n-no hyung, everything is my fault. i-i shouldn't have called you what i did. it was a mistake and it'll n-never happen again.."
"it wasn't a mistake minnie, i don't mind that you're little..", jimin tensed up at this.

"i think it's adorable, and want to take care of you..", yoongi continued.

the elder squeezed jimin's thigh lovingly, to comfort the boy.

"a-are you sure hyung? i don't wanna burden you.."
"i'm positive min, i love you so much, and want to see you happy. i want to be the cause of your happiness."

jimin's smile was huge, his hyung wanted to take care of him! he gave the elder a hug and was giggling.

"i missed you so much today, jimin. you really brighten up my day, and seeing you avoid me, it was awful. hyung loves you too much to not be around you. so next time something happens, talk to me, okay?"
"i'm sorry, i was just so embarrassed, but next time i'll talk to you! minnie promises!"
"good, thank you, angel.", jimin got flustered by the pet name.

"wait so, hyung..?", his voice was small.
"the n-name daddy, doesn't weird you out..?"

yoongi paused for a second, before he started to smile.
"no honey, daddy loves you."

jimin was smiling so big and hid his face in the elders neck. he was feeling small, his hyung was always good at making him feel tiny.

"we better get to bed, right min?"
"mhm! i was i asleep i promise! i jus got worried bout daddy cus he wasn't in bed so i came to see you!"
"aww what a good boy, thank you minnie daddy appreciates it."

yoongi tapped on jimin, silently asking him to get up so they could go to bed. jimin held one of yoongi's long fingers in his tiny, chubby hand. it melted the elders heart.

once upstairs yoongi tucked jimin in, turned on his cat light, and kissed the youngers forehead. jimin was so happy. he fell asleep a few minutes after yoongi put him to bed, and slept straight through to the morning.

yoongi finally went to sleep, happy and relieved that his little one, wasn't avoiding him anymore.

1313 words
originally written 3/19/21
flufffff ! hope it made u happy <3

yoongi's little boy (m.yg, p.jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now