one sick hyung

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yoongi has been working his butt off, like the rest of the boys, when one day he couldn't stop sneezing. then his nose wouldn't stop running, and the cherry on top? he was loosing his ability to taste. yoongi was sick, oh joy.

it made jimin sad to see his hyung like this, but took very good care of him. he would bring the man soup in bed and would always have a cup of tea ready as well. he also became very protective of yoongi. he didn't let any of the other members touch the elder. it made yoongi laugh.

jimin wanted yoongi to rest as much as possible, and that included no working. it was hard for the elder, since all he knows is eat, sleep, work.

instead of working he would just cuddle with his sunshine or sleep. their manager also allowed yoongi to rest, what a sweet guy. yoongi tried to tell jimin that if they kept cuddling he would end up sick too. but the younger didn't care, he thought it was well worth it. he even got kisses, he really didn't care about getting sick. the only thing he wanted was attention from his hyung.

that morning jimin got up the same time as usual, and got ready for his day. brushed his teeth, got dressed, and went to get his breakfast. he ate quicker than normal so he could bring breakfast to yoongi before he left for practice. he came rushing in the room with some crackers a few thin pancakes. they didn't wanna push yoongi's stomach, as he's been throwing most things up.

"here you go, hyung. i put some maple syrup on the pancakes, just a little though!"

jimin knew that his hyung wasn't a huge fan of sweet stuff.

"thank you, jimin-ah."
"welcome! i hope you can keep it down, just call me or text me if you need me! i'll be back after practice for lunch and-"

suddenly jimin heard hoseok call for him, "come on, jiminie!"

jimin just sighed, turning to the elder.

"i gotta go, hyung.. l-love you.."

yoongi raised his hand and motioned for the other to come closer. he kissed jimin on the forehead and said, "have fun at practice, i love you too, min."

jimin giggled and was a blushing mess before he started to jog down to the practice rooms.

yoongi kept his promise to his.. boyfriend? the pair never talked about it. were they boyfriends? yoongi would very much like to be, anyways. they have gotten closer recently, even though they were already super close. and they cuddled and gave each other kisses, but never made it official. yoongi was scared to bring it up to the younger, what if he didn't wanna date yoongi? then what? he didn't wanna think about it anymore and just ate his food, then went back to sleep. he kept his promise and didn't do any work.

~lunch time

jimin ran from the practice rooms right up to his shared bedroom to check on the elder. when he came in he saw yoongi asleep, he looked peaceful. he also saw the trash can next to the sleeping man was empty. he was able to keep his breakfast down, the younger smiled at this. he grabbed some lunch from the kitchen, nothing too crazy, before he gently shook his hyung awake.

"yoongi-hyung, wakey wakey.."
"but i brought you some lunch."
"don't need it.."
"yes you do, hyung."

jimin was pulling, softly of course, to get yoongi to sit up. finally after a solid two minutes he was up. yoongi just sat there, his eyes half closed, with his mouth hanging open.

"say 'ah' hyung."

jimin held a spoon out for the elder, which had soup in it. yoongi just opened his mouth a little wider, and allowed the younger to feed him. he fed him the whole bowl, yoongi really didn't feel like moving. yoongi looked at the clock and realized what time is was.

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