snap goes the crayon

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jimin had told taehyung and jeongguk about what happened with the elder. both of the other two yelled "told you so!", while laughing.

"that's awesome jimin! you should color him a picture!"
"that's a great idea taehyungie! i will!"
"pup, i want a picture too..", jeongguk was pouting.
"i'll color one for you daddy, don't worry!"
jeongguk just smiled at his precious baby.

the two littles were happily coloring and had been for over an hour. jimin colored a puppy yoongi and was coloring the background when the crayon snapped.


before taehyung and jeongguk knew it, jimin was balling. taehyung tried to get jimin to calm down by giving him hugs but it didn't work. jeongguk had an idea.

"taehyungie, baby, can you do me a favor and get yoongi-hyung?"
"sure, ggukie. jiminie give me one second okay?"

jimin didn't wanna let go. and as soon as taehyung finally got out of his grip, his cries got louder. jeongguk quickly gave the smaller boy a big hug and pet his hair. yoongi needed to hurry up.

taehyung ran straight to yoongi's studio. quickly knocking on the door, screaming to get his attention.

"go away, taehyung-ah, i'm busy."
"no no, hyung! it's jimin! he's needs you!"

yoongi quickly opened the door, concerned about what happened to his baby.

"where is he?"
"his room."

yoongi quickly walked back to his room with taehyung trailing behind him. when he got there, he saw jimin in one of the elders hoodie and crying, holding onto jeongguk.

he took the smaller boy from jeongguk as lifted him up bridal style, carrying him back to his studio. taehyung and jeongguk just looked at each other and shrugged. they knew yoongi would take care of the boy.

once they got back to the studio, the elder sat with the younger on his lap, softly placing headphones on the boys ears. he hit play, and saw the boy visibly relax. he started to cling onto the elder and just listened.

yoongi's music always calmed jimin down. he thought the elder was the best producer ever. he was definitely right about that. jimin didn't need to say anything, the elder knew his tiny baby loved his songs.

once the track finished, jimin took off the headphones and just hugged yoongi. the elder pet his hair and had a hand around his waist, he was safe with his hyung.

"what got you so worked up, minnie?"
"w-was coloring a p-picture for daddy,
t-then the crayon snapped.."
"aww i'm sorry, baby. i'm sure the picture is so beautiful. can daddy see it?"
"not yet, it's not done.."
"why don't we go back so you can finish it, hm?"
"okay daddy.. but you can't look at it till it's done, kay?"
"okay baby boy, i won't."

the pair got up and walked back to their room, yoongi covering his eyes before he could see the picture.

"can daddy go get some water, real quick?"
"mhm", is all the younger said, as he was focused on his picture.

taehyung was sat with jeongguk at the table having a snack.
"hey taehyung-ah, thanks for getting me. jimin is better now."
"welcome hyung. i knew you could do it."

yoongi got his water and then realized something. did taehyung and gguk see jimin in his headspace?

"did you guys notice anything about jimin?", yoongi was nervous, he knew how embarrassed jimin would be if they knew.

"relax hyung, we know already."
"we know jimin was in his headspace, don't worry. i have a little one too, hyung.", jeongguk then fluffed his babies hair.

yoongi had a smile on his face, he was glad his baby had a friend that understood. he nodded his head in understand before going back to his little boy.

yoongi walked in and saw a pink pacifier between the youngers lips. could he get any cuter?

"hi baby."
"feeling teeny tiny?"
jimin nodded his head with a smile.

he had finished the puppy picture, with some colors out of the lines but yoongi absolutely loved it.

"min, it's amazing! thank you so much, honey."
"welcome, daddy!", he said around the binkie.

"i'm gonna hang it in my studio", he stated proudly.

jimin's eyes were huge.
"mhm! let's go hang it right now. wait i want a picture of you with it."

yoongi placed the picture in jimin's hands and told him to smile. the younger held the picture up and beamed with happiness. this new picture was going to be yoongi's home screen.

"okay, now let's go hang it."

jimin held his daddy's hand as they walked back down to the studio.

he placed tape on the corners of the picture and put it on the wall. it was right next to one of his monitors, so he could see it everyday.

"perfect. now i can see the masterpiece everytime i work."
jimin got shy and hid his face in the elders chest. "glad you like it, hyung."

he gave the little a hug, before kissing the top of his head.

it was around noon and jimin's tummy rumbled.
"want some food, min?"
"yes, please!"
"what a good boy, using his manners."

jimin's smile was huge. he loved all the praise from the elder. they walked up to the kitchen and yoongi made some food for the both of them.

yoongi was a pretty good cook. he didn't get to practice very often, but he still had skill. jimin just watched in awe. the elder cooked for jimin a few times, it was always delicious. he had learned how jimin liked his food, and always made it how he liked it.

once the meal was prepared, yoongi brought two plates over to the table. jimin's mouth was watering, it smelled delicious. just as the little was about to pick up his chopsticks, yoongi stopped him.

"want daddy to help?"
"you want.. to?"
"of course i do baby, you're too tiny to feed yourself. say ah sunshine."

jimin was regressing quicker and quicker. yoongi's gentle tone and loving actions made him practically melt. he opened his mouth and let his hyung feed him. he was so happy.

yoongi would feed jimin, and then eat some himself as the younger was chewing. they finished their meal, and the rest of the boys came out of their rooms, smelling the delicious food. luckily yoongi made enough for the rest of them.

the elder could see jimin start to get antsy. he was fully in his headspace and all the members were in the same room.

the otjer boys were chatting and yoongi spoke quietly to jimin, "why don't you go lay down, sweetheart? hyung will be there in a minute." no one heard him, since they were all engaged in their own conversations.

jimin agreed and went to lay down, saying he was sleepy from the delicious food. the others said goodnight and jimin went to his room. he missed his hyung already, so he decided to lay on the elders bed. it smelled like yoongi and that made the boy happy. clingy.

he wrapped himself in the blankets and stuck his thumb in his mouth. his eyes fluttered closed, as he was getting sleepy.

about 5 minutes later, yoongi came in and awed at the sight. his little jimin, wrapped up in the elders bed with a thumb in his mouth. precious.

he slid into the bed and jimin immediately curled up to him.
"want cuddles..", he mumbled.

yoongi chuckled and held the boy close. one hand absentmindedly playing with the youngers hair, the other wrapped protectively around his waist.

"go to sleep, minnie. daddy won't go anywhere."
"nigh nigh dadda, wuv you."
"love you too, baby."

not even 10 minutes later, soft snores came from jimin and the elder smiled. he too closed his eyes and left dreamland consume him.

1320 words
originally written 3/20/21
fluff i hope it was cute 💕

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