little space?

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yoongi and jimin were on the couch, watching a cartoon that the younger picked. they were waiting for the doctor. about 15 minutes later a few sock knocks were had at the door, startling jimin.

"you're okay jiminie, just the doctor."
yoongi patted the other boys thighs before getting up to answer the door, jimin followed behind him.

"good evening boys! i heard we have a wrist injury."
yoongi spoke up for the younger.
"yes ma'am, he slipped getting out of the shower and landed on it. he said it really hurts."
"alright, i'll take a look at it, you both can have a seat at the table."

yoongi and jimin walked over to the table, yoongi had his hand on the smallers back.

"i'm just gonna take a look at it, okay?"
"o-okay, it hurts a lot..", jimin had tears in his eyes.

the elder took the youngers free hand and ran his thumb across it, signaling to him that his hyung was right there. not to worry.

"well it looks like it's just a slight sprain! i thought that's what it would be so i brought a brace with me. just wear it for at least 8 hours a day for 5-7 days and you should be fine in no time! and pain killers as you need them, alright?"

jimin just nodded.
"thank you ma'am, i really appreciate you coming out."
"it was no problem at all, call me if anything happens or it gets worse."
"of course, thank you again."

and with that the doctor was on her way out. yoongi walked her to the door and then turned around to see jimin trying to put the brace on.

"let hyung do it, i'll be gentle, i promise."
jimin didn't say a word and just handed the brace to yoongi.

as carefully as he could, he put the brace on the boys smaller wrist and tightened it without hurting the boy.

"would you like some medicine for the pain, min?"
"yes pease..", he had such a sad expression on his face.

quickly yoongi grabbed some from the bathroom and handed jimin two pills with a cup of water. the younger took them and gave the cup back to yoongi.

"good boy, jimin."

jimin has been wanting to hear those words from his hyung for forever!
"thank you, daddy!!"

there's that word again. jimin was deep in headspace and didn't realize what he said, again.

yoongi just ruffled his hair and smiled at him.

"why don't we go to bed now, hm?"
"mhm, good idea! 'm sleepy!"

jimin got into his bed and noticed his stuffed cat wasn't there.
"wheres yoongles??"
"huh? i-i'm right here jimin-ah"
"no hyung not you! my kitty..", he said with a pout.

yoongi was taken aback for a second. did jimin really name the stuffie he got him, after him?


yoongi spotted the cat on the floor and picked him up.
"here he is."

jimin gasped with excited.
"thank you, thank you!"
"it's no problem, jiminie. time for bed now."
"okay, goodnight hyung, sleep well! i love you~!"

jimin said he loved him before he went to bed. he doesn't normally say that..

"goodnight min, love you too..."
yoongi never says that, he didn't know what the hell was wrong with him.

before yoongi shut the big light off, jimin turned on his cat shaped night lamp. the younger decided not to use his pacifier tonight and rolled over and fell asleep. the older turned his phone brightness all the down and decided to do some searching.

yoongi's little boy (m.yg,✔️Where stories live. Discover now