bonus chappie<3

403 11 7

{before we start,,, this is gonna be about oli london... wait wait before you leave! oli has said some really not okay things lately, for example the whole "trans racial" bullshit. i wanna talk about why it's not okay, but from BTS's perspective if that makes sense? but also just wanna have a laugh at them (oli uses they/them pronouns) since oli london is the biggest troll to walk the planet. okay, carry on!}

after a long day of practice the boys were eating dinner, some scrolling on their phones. the tags #olilondon and #olixjimin were trending on twitter, and jimin let his curiosity get the best of him and clicked on it. what he saw terrified him. pictures of a man with a clearly modified face were everywhere and he claimed to be a perfect copy of park jimin. he was honestly disturbed. loving park jimin was one thing, being obsessed with him was another. jimin had issues with her self image, so he just couldn't wrap his head around why someone would want to be him. jimin was beautiful, inside and out, yoongi told him everyday. but he still didn't know if he believed him.

jimin must've been scrolling longer than he thought because jeongguk and taehyung got up and migrated to the couch, cuddling. "hyungs?" namjoon, jin, hoseok, and yoongi all looked at him. "d-do i really look like this, like this p-person?" jimin showed a picture of oli london. without saying a word yoongi got up and took his baby into a hug, he saw tears about to prick jimin's eyes.

(cue the clown music, loves 🤡🤡🤡)

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(cue the clown music, loves 🤡🤡🤡)

"oh my goodness, precious, no.." yoongi said into his ear as he was hugging him. he pulled away and ruffled his hair, "you're beautiful, jimin. gorgeous. nothing like that." the younger boy just nodded.

"jiminie! youre the cutest! no one could ever compare!", hoseok said as he pinched his cheeks lightly. "..thank you, hobi hyung." seokjin and namjoon also gave him a hug to reassure him.

that night once jimin got into bed he kept scrolling and saw that oli even copied his style and exact outfits. he felt so beyond uncomfortable and wanted to just disappear. "minnie baby, put your phone down and come cuddle your hyung." jimin plugged his phone in and jumped into yoongi's bed, immediately cuddling up to him. yoongi felt tears prick his shirt. "he doesn't look anything like you, sweetheart. he's just obsessed. i'm sorry, little one." jimin just held onto yoongi tighter, "i hate it, hyung. why can't he just be his own person?! i'm so full of flaws, why would he ever want to be me?"
"that's not true, min. you're breathtaking. beautiful inside and out. unlike him."
"t-thank you, daddy."

yoongi smiled softly, jimin had slipped into his little headspace. "why don't we head to bed, hm?"
jimin just nodded. "goodnight, my beautiful baby."
"night, daddy." yoongi kissed his forehead.

the morning rolled around earlier than anyone wanted and when it was time for jimin to get dressed he looked in jeongguk's closet. "whatcha doing, jimin?"
"need new clothes, ggukie."
"just cause.. please?"
jeongguk nodded and let the boy take what he wanted.

the little blonde boy had on a black long sleeved that was oversized on gguk, so it was giant on him. and then he paired it with black pants with a chain attached at the belt loop. he didn't feel like himself at all, much better, he thought.

when he came out everyone just looked at him. yoongi was the first to say anything. "uh, baby? whatcha wearing?"
".. jeongguk's clothes, i don't wanna look like oli!"

all the boys just frowned, "he's the one copying you, chim. you shouldn't change, it's your style." jin said.

jimin just brushed it off and headed to dance practice with the rest of the boys. because the clothes he was wearing were giant on him, he got really hot and just didn't have a good dance practice. finally, after a few hours the boys were done for the day and could relax for the rest of the night.

yoongi needed to work on a track, but jimin wanted to be around him. he was a good boy and knew his boyfie (boyfriend) had to work, so he sat on the couch in his office. he scrolled on tiktok for a while and then switched to twitter. at first he was just looking at all the nice things ARMYs commented under their tweets but then he saw a few people talking about the oli london situation.

suga_is_my_sunshine: free my man jimin! oli looks nothing like him! jimin is so handsome, oli is not!💜

jikook_stan23: think about how uncomfortable this must be for our mochi :( poor jimin. we love u chimmy!!💛💛💛

bts_stan2013: oli needs to leave jimin alone... it's just so creepy...

reading what the ARMYs said made him feel a little better. he was glad they thought oli didn't look like him. someone was talking about how the wanna-be idol had recently dyed his hair to match jimin's. jimin couldn't help but look and when he did, he was mortified. oli had bleached his hair to match the little's. he couldn't help it but let out a sob and tears began to fall, like a waterfall.

yoongi heard the sobs through his headphones and turned around to see his baby holding a phone and staring at the screen.
"baby, hey, what's the matter?"
jimin couldn't form words and just
showed the screen to yoongi. the elder had no words and just pulled jimin in for a hug and rubbed his back. nothing seemed to help and he began to worry.

"minnie, look at me, okay?"
jimin just looked up at him through his lashes.

"you are so incredibly beautiful and handsome, my pretty baby boy. he couldn't never compare, not even close. you have the cutest cheeks, and such adorable eyes that disappear when you smile. and speaking of your smile, my heart skips a beat every time i see it. i love you so much, and i promise he looks nothing like you. i would never lie to you, you trust daddy right?"
"t-trust daddy.. s-so much."

that sentence made yoongi smile.
"would you like your binkie, love?"

yoongi started keeping the lilac one in his desk drawer since jimin liked to be in his studio all the time.
"say 'ah' for me, baby."

he popped the pacifier into his mouth and wrapped a blanket around the little and laid him back down.
"why don't you take a nap until dinner, bub? i'll be right here to wake you up when it's ready."

jimin nodded. yoongi kissed him on the forehead and his eyes fluttered closed. the elder went back to work on his song.

yoongi couldn't focus and decided to do some research of his own. he found out oli had been to south korea in 2013 and that's when his obsession of korean culture started. he also found out he married a cardboard cut out of jimin, he was very disturbed. how could you wanna look exactly like someone and be them, but also wanna marry them?

even more troubling, the british man decided that he was "trans racial" and changed his race to be asian. he was now south korean, to him. but people with common sense knew that "trans racial" wasn't a thing, and many people left backlash on his video.

yoongi was getting mad now, they had taken things too far and made his baby upset. the elder asked their manager about the situation and unfortunately there was nothing they could do.

over the next few days jimin began to dress like himself again, but he did change his hair color. it was now a beautiful chocolate brown. it was soft, and fit him very well. all the members reassured him he was the only one who could be him. and with the help of the ARMYs jimin was feeling better.

{my dear jiminnie:(
u are the sweetest boy to exist and don't deserve to have this monster. u shouldn't have to deal with them or
any of their shananagans. ARMY loves you so much. 💗}

fuck u oli london, you're white. you're british. you're not asian. you're not south korean. YOU ARE NOT JIMIN.

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