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jimin had never, ever, had a caregiver before and the whole idea of rules scared him. when he had found the whole little space thing he only saw rules being used with bratty and bad littles. jiminie wanted to be a good boy, not a bad one! so when his hyung suggested he needed rules he panicked. was he a bad boy? tears fell one again.

"i-is minnie bad, daddy?"

jimin looked at the elder with a sad, and almost broken look on his face. it broke yoongi's heart.

"oh sweetheart, no no, cmere pumpkin..", yoongi held his arms out for the younger to give him a hug.

jimin hugged his daddy and just cried in his arms.

"you're such a good boy, minnie. but all littles need rules, okay?"
"o-okay.. i've only ever seen b-bad littles have rules."
"you're not bad, baby, daddy promises. rules don't always have to be a bad thing, if you're super good and don't break any rules hyung will give you a reward. how does that sound, hm?"
"well.. okay!"

the pair had broken apart from their hug, and were smiling at each other. yoongi ruffled his baby's hair and said, "good boy." the elder intertwined their fingers and lead them to his studio. he sat down and let jimin sit on his lap. he grabbed paper and a black pen. at the top of the page he wrote 'rules for little jiminie'. yoongi had one hand holding the page, and the other around the pen as he wrote. jimin traced the veins on the elders hand that held down the page.

"rule number one.. no cussing.."
"that goes for daddy, too!!"
"okay baby.."
"rule number two.. no yelling at daddy.."

once the pair had finished writing down all the rules, yoongi asked jimin to read them out loud. the younger happily agreed and began.

1. no cussing, daddy too!
2. no yelling at daddy
3. tell daddy if something is wrong
4. tell daddy if minnie is in headspace
5. always eat my vegetables
6. if minnie breaks a rule, daddy can give a punishment

"very good job, honey."
"thank you!"
"now.. what punishments are you comfortable with min?"
"whatever daddy thinks is best, minnie trusts you."

below his rules yoongi wrote out the word punishments.

no tv for an hour
spanking (only if really bad)

"do these look okay to you, cutiepie?"
"okay.. but you're my good boy and i'm sure i'll never have to enforce any of these.", jimin smiled and yawned.

"we should get you back to bed baby, you're body is exhausted from dancing.."
"nope, no butts. you're still sick minnie, you need your rest. please? for daddy?"

jimin was honestly exhausted and didn't fight it. the two walked back, jimin holding onto yoongi's thumb. yoongi tucked his baby in, handing him yoongles and koo. got him a cup of water and tissues, in case the boy needed them.

"minnie, because you were such a good boy and helped daddy write out your rules, i have a surprise for you.. close your eyes for me."

the elder reached under his bed and grabbed the four story books and the sippy cups he had gotten from the shop.

jimin gasped, he was so excited. "story books! and sippys! oh my goodness daddy i've wanted a sippy for so long!!"
"aww, i'm glad you like them. would you like daddy to read you a story?"
"yes pease!"
"pick whichever one you want, petal. i'll be right back, okay?"
" 'kay!"

yoongi's little boy (m.yg,✔️Where stories live. Discover now