pay attention

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yoongi held jimin all night. not once did jimin stir or wake up. it was the best sleep he had in months. so when he woke up he was surprised that the clock read 7am, instead of 1am. he gently shook his hyung's arm to wake up him up.

"yoongi hyung.. we have to get up now.."
he only got a grunt from the elder.

jimin tried to sit up but yoongi just held him close and wouldn't let him.
"minnie don't go, you're so warm and huggable nooo."

the younger just giggled. is this really his grump hyung? the one who hated hugs and all kinds of affection?

"but hyung! we have to get ready for the day!"
"fuck that, i want my jimin."
"okay okay, five more minutes.."

yoongi would never in a million years act this clingy to anyone, besides jimin. after the the five minutes they both got up and brushed their teeth. today they had more practice for their upcoming tour. mostly dancing with a few hours left for vocals.

after they all had lunch, they got great news! they had all put in so much effort and did amazing during their practice, they were off for the rest of the day. all the boys were super happy!

taehyung and jeongguk were in their shared room, gguk was having a really bad cramp in his leg. taehyung was in headspace and was trying his best to help his caregiver. the thing about taehyung is that when he's scared or upset, he regresses involuntarily. he's aware when it happens and can make himself be big, if the situation was super serious.

tae was upset and scared because jeongguk was in pain, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"h-how can i make it better, ggukie?"
"shh baby, you're okay. i'm okay. it'll pass, don't worry."
"why don't you go and get jimin and yoongi hyung? then we can all watch a movie?", jeongguk didn't want his little to worry about him, he wanted to distract him.

"that's a good idea daddy! be right back, don't go anywheres!"

jeongguk just nodded. its not like he could go anywhere, anyways.

taehyung went out into the living room where he saw jimin and yoongi on the couch, scrolling on their phones. jimin was clearly not in headspace. taehyung noticed this and immediately got shy.

jimin looked over and saw his friend, hold a rabbit stuffie. he was definitely little right now.
"yes, taehyungie?"
"ggukies leg is hurtin' real bad, a-and we were gonna watch a movie, and i wanted to know if minnie and yoongi-hyung wanted to watch t-too?"

the littles run-on sentence and cute stutters made jimin smile and also start to regress.

"sure taetae! lemme grab yoongles and we'll be there in a second, kay?"

jimin grabbed yoongi's hand before he walked back to grab his stuffed cat and then walked to taehyung's room. jeongguk was sat on his bed, laying on his back with his legs spread apart so his boy could sit in between them. taehyung gently rubbed his calf hoping to help ease the pain.

yoongi and jimin sat on taehyung's bed the same way. yoongi sitting against the headboard and jimin sat in between his legs. the elder had his arms around jimin's waist comfortably.

the four had decided to watch the little mermaid. they had shut the door, so the other three wouldn't question why four adults, we're watching a disney princess movie.

about 10 minutes into the movie jeongguk's leg felt much better and taehyung couldn't be happier. gguk kissed tae on the forehead before they both turned their attention back to the movie.

the littles sang along with the music and cried when ariel lost her voice. they booed at ursula and laughed at sebastian and flounder. that was something both jeongguk and yoongi would never get tired of, their little boy's laughs.

yoongi's little boy (m.yg,✔️Where stories live. Discover now