i love you

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ever since yoongi took on the role of being jimin's daddy, he couldn't stop spoiling him. he got the little boy presents all time, to reward him for good behavior. jimin never acted out, or had an attitude. only time was when he was sick, but that really wasn't his fault. but today was different. jimin had an ugly attitude, and it didn't go unnoticed by the 6 other members. during dance rehearsal jimin was very snippy with the other boys, not having any respect for his elders. namjoon, being the leader, took him aside and talked with him, making sure he was alright. but of course, jimin still had his attitude. the leader just let it go, not wanting to make a bigger fuss. finally practice was over and the boys were back
at the dorm. jin and yoongi were making dinner, and the two eldest asked the 95 line to set the table. taehyung being the sweetheart he is did so without question. jimin, who was normally a sweetheart, stomped his foot and said no. then slammed his door in frustration. that was it, yoongi had it. "PARK JIMIN." yoongi yelled loud enough for the small boy to hear through the door. he got no answer, so he opened the door and closed it gently, keeping his cool. he found jimin curled up on the bed, in tears. "jimin, what's gotten into you? why are you being like this?" the sentence came out harsher than the elder meant, but he had just had it with the attitude. "w-want daddy to l-look at me!" yoongi was taken aback. they had been very busy recently since they had a comeback soon. and the pair didn't have a lot of time to have little and daddy days.

jimin used little space to help relieve his stress, so when he didn't have time to regress he acted out. he didn't wanna be a bad boy, he just wanted attention. "oh baby, i'm sorry.. we've all been so busy.. but that doesn't mean you can have an attitude with everyone. you also didn't listen to me today, jiminie.. you know what that means." jimin's eyes got huge, he know he was bad, but he didn't want a punishment. "n-no daddy, please! minnie sorry! no want spankies!" yoongi sighed and just looked down at the boy. "sweetheart, i don't wanna do it either but i have to. how will you learn, hm?" jimin whined, still not wanting the punishment. yoongi sat down on the bed and patted his thigh, asking jimin to crawl over. "you can keep your shorts up, honey, since it's the first time you've acted up." jimin nodded and laid himself over the elders lap, wiggling around until he found a comfortable spot. "you'll get 10, okay? i want you to count for daddy." jimin nodded. "no, no baby. give me words." "yes, daddy."

yoongi raised his hand and landed the first spank, making jimin jump. "one!" and then another one, "t-two.." by the fifth spank tears were spilling from the boys eyes, and yoongi couldn't take it. "shh baby, all done.. you did so good for me. all done, jiminie." yoongi pulled the younger up and held him close, rubbing his back. "b-but, i didn't get all 10.." yoongi chuckled, "i know, baby. but i could tell how sorry you are. you're my good boy, sweetheart." jimin hugged him close and sniffled, "am daddy's goo boy.." yoongi hummed and rubbed his back. "i love you, jimin-ah."
"i love you more, daddy!"

it had been a few days since jimin's little incident and he was back to his normal, sweet self. he apologized to all of the members, individually. he felt terrible and wanted each person to know how sorry he was. all of the boys understood and accepted his apology, jimin loved his members so much.

yoongi was scrolling through his phone, looking for more things to spoil jimin with, like normal. then his eyes landed on a yellow pacifier. it had a PomPomPurin center pierce and the handle said 'happy'. without a second thought he bought it, it was perfect for jimin. it was going to be a surprise for the little. just then jimin ran into the room so yoongi put his phone away. "hi little prince, what's goin' on?" jimin looked at his feet and blushed, "wan daddy.." the elder smiled and scooted over on his bed, inviting jimin to snuggle. "come here my little baby.. come to daddy." the little wasted no time and snuggled up to his caregiver, digging his head into the crook of yoongi's neck. "wanna take a nap, bub?" jimin only nodded. the caregiver kissed the top of his head and got comfortable, decoding to take a nap too.

about a week later, a package came in the mail addressed to a min yoongi. hoseok saw it, and thought it was a part for his studio set up. the elder man said he'd order a part for the younger so he just assumed that's what it was. well, he was wrong. when he opened the box he found a bright yellow, adult sized pacifier. he smiled softly at the item, knowing exactly what and who it was for.

((this is a personal binkie of mine, i love it sm :,) and gives me jimin vibes))

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((this is a personal binkie of mine, i love it sm :,) and gives me jimin vibes))

hoseok knew about jimin being a little, he saw the coloring pages on the floor when he took a picture of the trio snuggled up to yoongi that night. he also saw jimin asleep with a binkie before. the little thought he was good at hiding his littlespace, but in reality, he was kinda obvious. he rapper walked to yoongi's studio and knocked, earning a 'come in' from the genius producer. "hey hyung, you got a package." he handed it to the man and saw yoongi's eyes go wide. "you fucking opened it? hope-ah why would you—"
"relax bro, i know it's for jimin. i know he's a little, ive seen him with the binkie in his mouth. i don't judge him at all, i think it's adorable." yoongi was shook, he knew? "oh.. thanks seokie."
"it's no problem, hyung."

after yoongi was done working for the day, he found jimin in their room, watching tv. he sat down next to the boy and ruffled his hair. "hi, baby." jimin smiled at him, "hi yoonie! kiss?" yoongi gave him a sweet kiss, showing just how much he loved him. "i got you something, sweetheart?" the boy perked up, "a-again.. you spoil me so much.."
"mhm you deserve it. now close your eyes."

jimin did as told and closed his eyes, then yoongi got up and grabbed the small box he set on his bed. he sat back down and handed the boy the box. "open, muffin." the smaller boy opened it and gasped, "it's so cute! oh my goodness, i love it! thank you, daddy!" jimin slipped into his headspace just by looking at the paci. "i saw it and instantly thought of you, baby. let daddy go wash it so you can try it." the elder jogged to their bathroom to run the paci nipple under the water, just to make sure it cleans. he came back and saw jimin giggling, looking at the thank you note that came in the package. "say 'ah', angel." "aaaah!" the daddy softly placed the paci in his littles mouth, cooing at the sight. "very adorable, honey. wanna go show uncle hobi? hm?" jimin looked at him confused. "he knows, baby. he supports you." jimin nodded. everyone was busy doing their own thing so jimin could walk to hoseok's studio with his new pacifier. yoongi led the way, holding his hand and softly knocked at the door. hoseok cheerily said to come in. "hey seokie, jiminie wanted to show you his new paci." jimin was hiding behind suga but came up, smiling shyly. "aww, look at
you! such a cutie pie!" jimin smiled at him, and sat down on the mans lap, since hoseok held his arms out to him. "tank chu, uncle hobi!" hoseok chuckled, finding the little boy just too cute to handle. "uncle hobi... i like that, minnie!" yoongi smiled at the two boys, they were adorable together.

after their visit to j-hope's studio, it was pretty late. so yoongi decided it was bed time. they both brushed their hair and snuggled up together in yoongi's bed. jimin decided to sleep with his new paci. "goodnight jimin, you're my happy baby."
"night night, daddy!"
"i love you, petal."
"love you too, yoonie!"

ever since yoongi found out about jimin being a little, he's felt more happiness in his everyday life. and ever since jimin let yoongi be his daddy, he felt less stressed and so much happier. they were perfect for each other. when yoongi was having a bad day, he had his little boy to cheer him up. and when jimin was sad, he had his amazing daddy to take care of him. they were meant to be. jimin was yoongi's little boy.


1526 words
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