one sick jiminie

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finally, after 3 days of being sick in bed, yoongi was feeling better. but now, jimin had fallen sick. the elder tired to tell his boyfriend that kisses and cuddles weren't  a good idea, but didn't say no when his baby asked for them. currently jimin was laying in bed, with a burning fever.

"hyung, how could you get me sick? i thought you loved me!"

yoongi just chuckled.
"i do love you minnie, that's why you're sick. i couldn't say no when you wanted kisses, baby. your puppy eyes are just too much.."

the elder got a damp wash cloth to put on the sick boys forehead, and put a new box of tissues on his bedside table. yoongi was going to take care of his baby, just like how jimin did for him. he knew the best thing for the boy was sleep.

it was a saturday and they didn't have practice today, but unfortunately jimin couldn't enjoy the day off.

"min you need to get some sleep, can you do that for hyung?"
"i'll try.."
"good boy."
"not very sleepy though.."
"well what makes you sleepy, hm?"

jimin got nervous and played with his fingers, not look at his hyung.

"b-bed time story?", he asked with a very timid voice.

yoongi had a huge smile on his face, could his boy get any cuter? he didn't have any story books, and made a mental note to get some. he decided to find one off of his phone.

"sure baby, any requests?"
"hmm.. how bout the poky little puppy?"
"of course, angel."

the elder sat on jimin's bed and pulled up the story. before he got started he had a thought. he remembered what he read in a blog post.

"give daddy one second, okay?"
jimin nodded.

yoongi jogged to the kitchen and got a cup of milk and placed it in the microwave.
warm milk helps littles feel sleepy!

he wished he could put it in a sippy cup for jimin, but had to put it in a regular cup. he also made another mental note to get sippy cups.

the elder came back in the room and smiled at his little one. his eyes were heavy.

"here you go, baby boy."
"warm milk! how did daddy know i love warm milk?"
"just a lucky guess.."

jimin took the cup with two hands and watched the cup as he drank. he drank it all up and gave the cup back to his caregiver.

"good boy, jimin-ah."

jimin was smiling and pulled the elder closer. yoongi was sitting up against the headboard and the younger had in head in his lap. yoongi found a digital version of the story online, it even had the pictures, jimin was happy.

"you ready, baby?"
"mhm, daddy!"

Five little puppies dug a hole under the fence and went for a walk in the wide, wide world.
Through the meadow they went, down the road, over the bridge, across the green grass, and up the hill, one after the other. And when they got to the top of the hill, they counted themselves: one, two, three, four. One little puppy wasn't there.

"Now where in the world is that poky little puppy?" they wondered. For he certainly wasn't on top of the hill.

before yoongi was able to finish the story, the smaller boy on his lap was asleep. he kept reading anyways, he was invested now. once he was done, he set his phone down and somehow got up without waking the boy. as soon as he was up he could see instead of working like normal, he decided to go out and get a few things for his jimin. he had told the rest of the boys that someone he knew from high school was having a baby, and wanted to get a few things for their baby shower. lies. yoongi put on a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a mask to keep his identity safe.

yoongi's little boy (m.yg,✔️Where stories live. Discover now