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taegguk chappie!!!!

after a long day of practice, jeongguk and taehyung were in their room getting ready for bed. tomorrow was their day off. taehyung has been very stressed recently, his solo track, singularity, was the intro track to their new album. meaning he would have to preform solo, and he wanted it to be perfect. jeongguk would always stay behind with the elder after his dance practice ended, just so he wouldn't be alone. taehyung was grateful for him, and was beyond excited to have a day off.

both boys brushed their teeth and said goodnight, giving each other a sweet kiss on the lips. they went to their own beds and got comfortable. within 10 minutes both boys were out. it was spring time, meaning it stormed all the time. poor taehyungie hated storms, big or little. so when the first clap of thunder broke around 2am, the little boy was woken up. taehyung had been so stressed, when the thunder cracked he was sent right into his headspace. he sat up and felt the tears welling in his eyes. it was completely dark in his room, because when taehyung was big the dark didn't bother him. but now, he was terrified.

jeongguk was a pretty heavy sleeper, so he didn't hear the little boy whisper out his name. not until another bang of thunder clapped and caused taehyung to shriek. "goo! w-wake up please!! daddy!"
finally, the caregiver woke up, looking around for his boy. "tae baby, what's the matter?" before taehyung could respond it started to rain harder and the thunder got more regular. jeongguk connected the dots and immediately got up to comfort the other boy. "come to daddy, sweetheart."
he turned on a small lamp, and grabbed the small boy and put them both in the younger boys bed. jeongguk remembered when taehyung had a nightmare and it helped the baby to be surrounded by jeongguk's scent. he sat back down on his bed with taehyung sitting on his lap, hugging his neck. "i'm here baby, i won't let anything happen to you, daddy's here." 

taehyung relaxed a little bit, being in his daddy's hold. didn't last long when more thunder rang through the sky, causing the boy to hold jeongguk tighter. "d-don like
it, goo..scary.." jeongguk rubbed his back and ran his hand through the boys hair. "i know, sunshine. you're safe, i won't let you go. i have an idea." jeongguk grabbed his airpods of his nightstand and put one in taehyung's ear. then searched for calming lullaby music, hoping to distract the little from the loud noises from outside. the little looked at gguk and smiled softly. "just listen to the nice music and keep your eyes focused on me, okay, pup?" taehyung nodded, keeping his eyes locked with the other boy.

jeongguk wanted to do anything to distract taehyung from the thunder. "you're so pretty, baby. and so adorable, how did i get so lucky, hm?" taehyung was blushing, and jeongguk knew it without even seeing the boys face, since the room was lowly lit. "d-daddy's.."
tae didn't finish his sentence, "daddy's what, hm?", gguk asked. "d-daddy is.. h-h-handsome.." jeongguk had a huge smile on his face. "aww, thank you, baby. you are just the sweetest." he booped the little's nose. their sweet moment was cut short when a loud noise rumbled, causing taehyung to flinch. "you're okay, angel. would you like your paci, hm?" taehyung quickly nodded, his eyes were huge. jeongguk kept a space themed pacifier in his night side table for situations like this. "say, 'ah', for daddy, baby."

the caregiver softly placed the binkie between the boys lips, cooing at how cute he looked. it was a dark blue pacifier, with a gold handle, and a rocket on the shield. "you're outta this world, button."
taehyung giggled at the corny joke, making gguk laugh too. jeongguk laid them both back down and put the other air pod in the boys ear. he played with his hair and gave him small pecks all over his face. he successfully lulled the little boy to sleep after what felt like
hours, and turned out the lamp. he soon fell back asleep, holding his baby, protecting him from the scary thunder.

"good night my precious baby."

when the pair woke up the next morning it was still raining, but not thundering. taehyung also woke up in his little headspace, something that didn't happen very often. jeongguk was still asleep, so the boy decided to poke his cheek until he woke up. "daddy!! wakey wakey!" jeongguk just groaned and dug his head farther into taehyung's neck. " 'm hungry, goo! need breaky, please~" jeongguk slowly lifted his head to look at the boy, registering that he was little. "good morning, sweetheart. you sleep okay?"
"mhm! let's go get num nums!" jeongguk nodded and let the little lead him to the kitchen. yoongi and jimin were there, and currently the eldest was feeding jimin.

"good morning, jiminie!~ morning, hyung!~"
"taetae!" he got up from the table and gave his best friend a hug. meanwhile jeongguk sat down at the table with yoongi. "jeez gguk, you look rough. you okay?" the youngest just nodded, "taehyung doesn't like thunder, took a while for me to get him back to bed."
"jiminie didn't like it either, he wouldn't let me go.", the rapper chuckled. "he even woke up feel little this morning." the two caregivers looked over at their little boys who were talking on the couch. "taehyung did too."

just then taehyung came back over with jimin and stood in front of gguk, "hungry daddy.." luckily all the other members were still in bed, meaning the two could be little without worrying. "alright pumpkin, let's get you some food." jeongguk stood up and walked towards the fridge. he made some waffles for him
and taehyung, the frozen kind since tae didn't wanna wait for homemade ones.

"taetae~ wanna have a play date?"
"yes, yes, yes!"
after breakfast the littles decided to color in jimin and yoongi's room, while watching princess and the frog. the two caregivers sitting on the beds, while the littles were sprawled out on the floor. jeongguk was nodding off, feeling exhausted from last night. "go ahead and sleep gguk-ah, i'll watch them." taehyung heard what yoongi said and looked back at his daddy, seeing him look very sleepy. he quickly stood up and pretended to be a doctor, "mr. jeon! i'm doctor taetae and i'm here to help! i'm recommending a good nap! and you should feel all better! nurse!" jimin stood and came right to his side, "yes, doctor?"
"get him a fluffy pillow!"
"on it!"

jimin ran out to the living room and grabbed a nice pillow from the couch and wasted no time to get back to jeongguk. "here you go!" jimin handed dr. taetae the pillow and he fixed it behind his caregivers head. "perfect! after this nap you should feel completely better!" jeongguk chuckled, "thank you doctor. see you in a little bit. love you." taehyung kissed the tired mans forehead, "night night, goo!"

jeongguk closed his eyes and the littles went back to coloring. when jimin was done he got up and went to cuddle with yoongi. taehyung was pouting, he wanted cuddles but jeongguk looked so comfortable he couldn't wake him. plus he knew just how tired his caregiver was. yoongi was sat against the wall, jimin cuddled into his left side. he saw the pout on the littles face and felt bad. "taehyung-ah?"
"hm?" he looked at the rapper with giant eyes.  "want cuddles?" taehyung didn't even respond, only got up and cuddled into yoongi's right side. "thank you, hyung." yoongi just hummed in response playing with both of the littles hair.

the rain outside seemed to lull everyone to sleep, before anyone knew it, the trio on yoongi's bed was asleep. yoongi's head resting on jimins, jimin laying against his side, and taehyung asleep in his lap. jeongguk was out cold on the other bed. hoseok walked in to say good morning but found them all asleep. he couldn't believe his eyes, jimin and taehyung cuddled up with yoongi. he took a picture and then quietly closed the door, "that's
just too adorable."

1391 words
originally written 7/4/21
hope u liked it💓💖💞

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