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this past week yoongi had been spending alot of time with hoseok. the rap line had decided to collaborate on a song and obviously had to spend time to edit and record the song. hoseok was a naturally touchy person, just like jimin. so he would laugh and touch yoongi's shoulders or back, innocently of course. the two of them were very good friends. of course hobi knew they were only friends, especially now since yoongi had told them all he was jimin's boyfriend. but jimin didn't know that, he thought yoongi and him were still a secret. he was upset.

two could play at this game jimin thought. he had decided to be extra close and touchy with namjoon. yoongi, joon, and hobi were all in the recording studio. jimin came in and completely ignored yoongi. instead he went over to namjoon who was sitting in his swivel chair. he was behind the elder and draped his arms across his shoulder and rested his head next to joons. yoongi shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"namjoonie hyung?"
"yes, jimin?"
"jinnie hyung wanted to know what you wanted for dinner?"
"whatever hyung wants to make, i'm fine with."
"kay, thankies hyung!"

jimin patted his chest and then left the room, not speaking one word to yoongi. he skipped up to the kitchen and helped his jin hyung prepare dinner.

yoongi was confused.. why did jimin not say anything to him? not even a greet? and why did he act so cute and clingy towards joon? he was a bit mad, if he was being honest. he knew jimin was a touchy person, that didn't bother him. what did, is that he was being ignored.

once dinner was ready and the boys sat down for dinner. jimin of course deciding to sit next to namjoon. yoongi didn't say a word and just looked at jimin. the younger didn't even look back at him, just giggling and talking with namjoon. yoongi ate quickly and thanked jin for the meal before putting his dishes in the sink. he grumbled that he was going to work in his studio, "hope-ah, come on i need your help."

jimin stopped what he was doing and just glared at hoseok. how much time did those two need to make a stupid song?!, jimin thought to himself. hoseok quickly got up and followed yoongi to the studio.

after dinner jimin, namjoon, jin and taehyung decided to watch a movie. jeongguk went to work out like the muscle pig that he is. jimin was sat next to joon, while jin was wrapped up in a blanket on the recliner, and tae on the other couch. halfway through the movie, jimin noticed namjoon was asleep and decided to lean on the elders shoulder, and fall asleep too. he even held joon's arm, he was being a little extra. he was just so mad at yoongi.

a few hours passed and it was getting pretty late, so yoongi and hoseok decided to call it a night. the two walked back upstairs and saw the other five asleep with the tv on. jeongguk came up about an hour ago and was now cuddling taehyung. yoongi's eyes immediately went to jimin who was holding on to joon. he was now angry. his little one has been avoiding him all day and was being extra lovey to namjoon, what the fuck.

as much as he wanted to tell jimin how much of an ass he was being, he wouldn't give the younger the satisfaction. he simply decided to now ignore jimin. he went to their shared room and took back all the hoodies that were scattered on jimin's bed. he then decided to just go to bed, not wanting to deal with life right now.

the other five were gently woken up by hoseok and then all headed to bed. when jimin got to his room he saw his hyung was already asleep. and then he noticed all of the hoodies were gone. that made jimin very upset, and tears formed in his eyes. jimin was a very clingy person, as we know. he liked sleeping in his boyfriends hoodie each night for the sense of security it brought him. he checked under the blankets, and even under the bed for one, and let out a sob when he couldn't find one.

yoongi hadn't quite fallen asleep yet and when he heard the boy cry, he caved. whether he was mad at the smaller boy or not, he hated seeing him upset.

yoongi's little boy (m.yg,✔️Where stories live. Discover now