|• Amore Peribat

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 Ah, I've bee waiting so long to write something like this! The intro is a bit cluttered because I didn't know how to explain this but Uhm ye! This is my take on a haikyuu genderbend! Enjoy!



Amore Peribat. The Latin word for 'unrequited love' or more famously known throughout the world as a harmless disease that was able to alter your body with the simple act of love.

The disease was originally discovered by a band of scientists who were working under the American government, researching illnesses and making vaccines for many of them.

Yet as they continuously invested tax and government money into the project, little results occurred, leading the nation to doubt them.

It was a breakthrough that changed all that. An unnamed person came in one day, originally a female but now living in a male body. The scientists were puzzled by this, dumbfounded by the absurd nature of the natural phenomenon.

Tests were conducted, days turned into months as the small group of experienced workers tried their hardest to figure out what might have caused the transformation, all while keeping the 'girl' in trapped isolation.

As time trickled on, the cases rose in number, reaching over 100 different gender transformations by the end of the two years after the research had been funded, with numbers still expected to rise.

Testing became crucial, early rises and late nights became normal for the overworked scientists as they struggled to find a cause and a cure for what might be a deadly disease.

Yet as they neared their third year after funding, the group made a breakthrough. More specifically, Doctor Cromata, a middle-aged man who specialized in hormones and growth patterns.

His theory came up over lunch with the rest of his group. What if there was an effect on the hormones? Maybe there had been a rupture and break in the amounts of hormones the body was producing?

It seemed highly likely, and after reviewing the patient's ages, all in their teenage years, most of the scientists started the next stage of their research, measuring the hormone levels of the average teenager to the 'transformed' ones, all led by Doctor Cromata himself.

With the new theory and research progress in action, they found almost immediate results. On average the normal female and male teenagers' bodies produced hormones in big bursts, the ones that caused mood swings.

Yet as they reviewed the patient's hormone tests, they couldn't help notice the body overflowing with Oxytocin, a hormone that is considered to be the cause of 'love' and 'admiration', and Melatonin, the hormone often causing drowsiness or. And if there is too much in the bloodstream, it can cause depression.

As the breakthrough was made public, an outrage of rumours popped up around the world, some crazy and some worth taking a closer look into.

Choosing their first step, the scientists came to the smart conclusion that it would be best if they interviewed each patient separately, wanting to see if they could get any background intel that might have triggered or caused this.

After running through many video recordings, audio recordings, and even files with every word of the interviews written down, Doctor Cromata came to his final conclusion, a groundbreaking discovery that might just change the course of history.

Amore Peribat, the Latin word for 'unrequited love', and a newly discovered disease, caused by just that, unrequited love, or the thought of it.

Though most common in teenagers and growing children, it is possible to acquire this sickness as an adult. The cause is the overdose of Oxytocin and Melatonin, a love hormone and a sleepy hormone that also causes depression and other mental illnesses.

Once there is a dangerous amount in your bloodstream for your body to handle, your body's system starts to adapt, trying to find a way that would help get rid of the excessive hormones or reduce the production of this, often turning patients into the opposite gender, or getting rid of their gender completely.

The disease was found to be more common in the LGBTQ+ community, as they tend to be shut down and hidden by the rest of society, not wanting to come out, therefore keeping to themselves and letting these hormones rush free on a rampage.

Symptoms for the Amore Peridat disease are often subtle at first and are not noticed in the first few months, though it ranges from every person, spending on their lifestyle, diet and a range of other factors.

After making it public, the group of scientists worked on many different types of medication and cures, using people who offered their bodies to the cause as the test subjects. Once again with the theories of Doctor Cromata, they quickly came up with two medications that would cure the body changing disease.

The first one was coming to an accepting state. Their studies had shown that the cause for the disease was none other than the thought of one-sided love, meaning that the first and cheapest option would be to be loved, loved back by the person their heart called for.

Of course, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and the majority of the people got turned down, causing their bodies to release more oxytocin and melatonin. So the group of scientists worked on a pill, a small yet expensive escape that lowered hormone production.

The pill was only a temporary escape, giving the patient time to get over their feelings and return to their normal body, a place where they were comfortable.

It took months of testing and modifying, perfecting a small tablet that would calm the hormone production. They named it the GCP. short for the 'Gender Changing Pill', a name Doctor Cromata came to be quite proud of.

Of course with all of this research being new to the world, cures for the Amore Peridat disease were expensive, often costing a whole month's salary to pay for a single bottle, that would last you a few weeks before you ran out, cause your body to return to its other state as the opposite gender.

Amore Peribat. A life-changing disease of unrequited love, discovered by a research team led by Doctor Cromata.


NOTE: All of this is fiction, I made up the disease myself, feel free to use this idea if you are wanting to create your own genderbend. If you do it would be great to give me credit!


What's your favourite colour combination?

I really l like a dusty purple and green combo. And sea blues and white!


Thank you for reading!!! I can't promise updates every day because I have like three other stories I'm working on, so my apologies about that!

Stay safe and don't let the koala get you!



Inu thanks you for reading!

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