|• Thursday mornings

104 6 55

So I'm hoping to have a decently slow prologue before we get into the actual plotline!



The morning sun shone through the thin curtains, just as it did every morning as it rose over the residential skyline. Orange and pink-streaked the sky in a perfect morning colour palette, just as it seemed to do every other morning.

Clouds roamed the sky freely, wandering along lazily as early morning runners gazed up at them with wonder in their eye.

Sugawara rolled over in his bedsheets, the warm blankets providing a comforting heat to the teenager while he bundled down deeper, wanting to escape the bright morning light and return back to his slumber.

Yet not all good things can stay forever. The silver-haired male shot up as the sound of his alarm rang through his room, showing no mercy as it continued to play while Suga struggled to grab it and turn it off.

Seconds later, the ringing noise had calmed to a stop, settling the room back into a warm silence, chirps from the sparrows being the only noise audible from his small haven.

Groaning as he got up, Sugawara stretched his back, lifting his arms up as the cool morning air hit his stomach, sending a wave of chills up his spine. A tired yawn escaped his mouth as he rubbed his eyes.

Finally getting up and throwing off the bed sheets, goosebumps formed on his skin, the fine hairs sticking up. Walking over to his curtains, the silver-haired male three them open, a blaze of shining sunlight now lighting up the room.

He looked out across the small residency, looked down onto the footpath where he could see a few people walking their dogs, or going for a run. His bedroom was on the second floor of a modern Japanese home, meaning he often got to wake up to a brilliant sunset.

Content with the perfect morning sun, Sugawara turned away from the window, going to his nightstand to check his phone for anything important he might have missed. Luckily for him, there were only a few messages from Daichi about training.

Putting his phone back on charge, the teenager lifted his shirt off over his head, walking over to his closet as he did. Carefully, Suga picked out his uniform, careful not to mess it up.

Sliding the stiff fabric on, he snatched up his hairbrush from his table, running the tough bristles through his hair, the brush rarely getting caught in the few knots he acquired that night.

Placing the brush back on the table, Suga wasted no time in snatching up his books and shoving them into a bag, before grabbing his volleyball uniform and heading downstairs.

His socks padded his footsteps, softening the noise around him as he walked down the wooden stairs. A loud creak erupted from the second stair down, making Suga flinch at the uncomfortable noise.

"Ah Koushi, I've prepared your breakfast!" a voice called out from the kitchen.

Turning the corner, the familiar face of his mother smiled as he entered the room as she picked two pieces of perfectly cooked toast out of the toaster. Walking behind the counter, Suga made himself useful by grabbing out a few plates.

"Sleep well?" the feminine replica of the teenager asked as she planted a light kiss on his forehead.

"Yea, I've been really tired recently"

Interrupting their small moment, a tall bearded man came walking through the doorway, his coarse hands covering his mouth as he released a gigantic yawn.


"Morning" Sugawara and his mother echoed.

The three of them lazily made their way to the table, setting up the plates of warm toast and jam, before sitting down.

In silence, the three of them started to eat, the woman turning on the news and tuning in to see what happened overnight and the weather for the day, while Sugawara and his dad sat in silence, half asleep, both of them tuning out the noise of the television.

"Don't you have training today?" his dad questioned

"Oh yea I do, I should probably go," Sugawara said, checking the clock that sat on the wall and realising the time "See ya!"

With a bright smile and a hug, the silver-haired teenager stood up and grabbed his bag, swallowing the final piece of toast on his way out the door. Before he walked out the door, he quickly slid on his school shoes, making a note to check his hair in the mirror before he left.

Flicking his small antenna, he mentally scowled at the stubborn piece of hair that refused to flatten against his hair like the rest of his hair. It had been like that all his life yet for some reason it annoyed him every time he laid his eyes on it.

Ruffling up his hair one last time, Suga finally made his way out the door, the cool morning air making him shiver under his jacket. He hated mornings, sure they were fun, and he got to play volleyball, but it often took a lot of energy.

Breaking him out of his own little world, his phone vibrated in his pocket as an incoming call came through. Picking it up, Daichi's contact came across the screen, his well-mannered profile picture the centre of attention.

Pressing the green button, the silver-haired male pressed the dark screen up to his ear.


"Suga, look behind you" his voice was stern as if giving sarcasm through the screen.

"Huh, what do you- oh"

Turning around, his hand dropped to his side as he aced the stern-looking captain who was holding his phone up to his ear.

"Daichi?! When did I pass you?" Suga said, his shocked expression giving him away as he ran backwards, meeting his friend outside his door.

"Ages ago, now come on, Kageyama and Hinata are going to want us to open the gym," Daichi said, his voice now softer around the edges.

"Daichi~ I'm sorry okay" Suga pleaded, wanting the taller male to forgive him.

The captain gave his friend a side glance "Of course"

Sugawara giggled at his friend's openness, admiring Daichi's homely personality. He was glad, overjoyed that he had managed to snag such a kind friend.

As the pair turned the corner, the familiar entrance of 'Karasuno High School' loomed over them, the huge clock that sat against the building ticking away. Cherry blossom petals littered the ground, forming a carpet of pastel pink.

Daichi and Sugawara shoes clicked against the concrete as they slowly pondered over to the clubrooms where they heard two very familiar voices.

"Looks like the freak duo is here" Suga snickered, Daichi joining in as they finally round the corner.

"Oi, idiot, you're gonna break the handle-" Kageyama could be heard scolding Hinata from afar, his voice echoing across the bare courtyard.

Next to him, the captain sighed, "I should probably go break that up"

A smile spread across Sugawara's face as he watched his best friend speed up... this was something he would never take for granted... and how he wished it could stay like this forever.



Inu thanks you for reading!


What's your favourite drink?

This grape fizzy stuff, I'm not sure what it's called tho =w=


It might be a while before I'm able to update this, a week at most though!

Aye! Have a great day/night okay! <3333

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