|• Crushing

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Ah sorry this took a while to update, I will try to update this at least once a week but the chapters seem to be getting longer, meaning it takes more time to write

I hope you like this one!



The squeaking of the souls of shoes rapidly moving on the court and the hard bounce of balls as they were spiked onto the ground were enough to wake anyone up. As the silver setter wiped his brow for sweat, his eyes trained across Daichi who was calling out to everyone, giving their team the heads up to leave and head to class once getting changed.

"Tanaka and Ennoshita can pack up the gym today, just don't be late for class" the captain called out, his voice echoing through the gym.

Snickering, Sugawara walked out of the gym, satisfied that he finally got a break from the cleanup that occurred every day after practice. With his footsteps clicking against the chilled metal stairs, he made his way over to the clubroom, shutting the door behind him as the sound of chattering and laughter filled his brain.

Taking off the sweat-drenched shirt, he threw it into his training bag, discarding the cloth as he slid his uniform on, the stiff fabric itchy against his pale skin that was dotted with red marks and small bruises. Spraying some cologne, he waved a hasty farewell to his team, making his way to class.

Deep in thought, he pondered over his day so far, the chilly morning walk, practise, how he could improve. He thought of Daichi, how he looked as he received the ball, sending it perfectly to Suga himself, or in most cases, Kageyama.

Daichi, Daichi, Daichi. He was a great friend, and person in general, always willing to help anyone out, even if that meant sacrificing his own time. He was like a cool older brother, someone you could rely on and trust.

Opening the sliding door to his homeroom class, Sugawara breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the cool air-conditioned air calm its itching skin. His footsteps were drowned out by the talking of his classmates. Walking to his seat, he made himself comfortable at his desk, the second table to the left of the classroom, just behind the front.

Fortunately for him, he was lucky to not have a window seat, knowing himself, the silver-haired male was sure to get a failing grade with all the daydreaming he did.

With the bell ringing and the teacher entering the classroom with a pile of papers, Sugawara pulled himself out of his head, staring his eyes to the whiteboard as he opened his books, scribbling down the notes as his teacher wrote on the board.

Time passed by rapidly, and before he knew it, he was closing his workbook, preparing himself for the next lesson. Quietly sighing, the setter placed a book in his shoulder bag, heaving it over his shoulder as he set off for laboratory science, going over the notes Daichi and himself had taken the previous week.

He remembered the captain's gentle voice as he coached Suga on the chemical compounds and how to remember them, showing him different symbols and even a funny English song to go with the periodic table.

Ever since the pair had stated study nights, the setter had found himself gradually improving, stress almost melting away. Those nights with Daichi were almost perfect. They would go over to someone's house and sit in the bedroom and simply go over notes, test each other, homework, anything that would help them improve on their schoolwork.

Of course, there were their moments where they goofed around, having small drawing competitions and who could eat the most strawberries. It was a way to de-stress from school and life in general. Sugawara always appreciated those moments, often thinking back on them as he drifted into unconsciousness.

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