|• Girl Talk

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Hey hey, sorry I didn't update last week. I needed to take a short break but I hope to get back to updating weekly again!



His eyes flickered open from a restless sleep, forgetting the events of the previous night. The early morning sun shone through his curtains which had blown open in the wind, making him glare at the ever-rising light.

The platinum-haired male groaned, looking up at his ceiling through half-lidded eyes. He felt strange like he was in the wrong body. Of course. The memories of the hospital came flooding back to him like an angry tidal wave.

His mother had cried all night, her soft sobs echoed through the walls of his house. His father, on the other hand, seemed to show little to no emotion about the situation, giving a stoney faced grimace the whole time they had been at the doctor's.

Turning to his side, Sugawara felt like the world was against him, already wishing to give up on life as he looked down at his body with shame and embarrassment.

His skin was speckled with occasional spots that stuck out like a sore thumb against his moonlight pale skin tone. He had grown some curves, now looking like a replica of this mother. His beautiful silver hair was now knotted around his head, entangling in his mouth which he disgustfully spat out.

Sugawara was ashamed in himself, ashamed in the body he was now trapped in for who knows how long. An uncomfortable feeling of dysphoria came over him as he laid in his bed, covered by the amounting mass of blankets and pillows that were piled up on his matres.

He wasn't meant to be a girl, he was a guy, end of story... So why was he trapped in this feminine body? Remaniments of the conversation between his parents and the doctor reminded him of the cause.

Love. Daichi. He was the one who caused this. Stupidly talented and smart, kind and caring Daichi, now making a fool of his best friend who was stuck in a female's body.

"Koushi, come have breakfast!" his mother called out, her voice breaking mid-sentence.

Sugawara gave no reply, instead opting to silently crawl out from his fort of blankets with a scowl on his face. Overall, getting up made him feel even worse.

Something damp could be felt around his groin, making him remember the horrid thing called periods. Sliding on his slippers, the silver teen made his way downstairs, taking one step at a time as the weight on his chest grew even more annoying.

"Took your time" his father joked as he sat at the table, giving his son a morning wave "Are... you okay, last night might have been a lot to take in, I know your mother and I are-" he was interrupted by Sugawara sitting down at the table.

"I've been better... but you heard what the doctor said, I'll just have to live with it until we get the medication" the silver-haired male meekly smiled, looking at his father whose eyes were rimmed with dark lines.

"Of course, we'll do all we can to support you as well!" Sakura, Sugawara's mother said, walking into the kitchen with a plate of waffles, maple syrup and cream "but first off, I don't think you should go to school today"

"Agreed. It would be wise to sort everything out today" Ichigo pointed at his son.

"Like what?" the teen asked, taking a mouthful of the perfectly prepared breakfast.

"Clothes, hair, the 'girl talk', all that stuff" his mother answered, sitting down at the opposite end of the table and pouring a light drizzle of maple syrup over her waffles.

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