|• Peace in the Library

60 5 69

Ah sorry for not updating in so long! I hope you enjoy this chapter!



The day moved painfully slow for Sugawara's liking. If he thought lessons used to be boring, now they were almost unbearable. With seemingly unlimited time to daydream, thoughts of his new crush contained to sneak their way into his mind, eating away at any rationality.

Every time a thought of Daichi's almost perfect face flashed through his mind, a wild blush seemed to arise in his cheeks, flaring up in a bright red haze. Yet with every scenario, he thought of, his chest tightened and his breathing shortened, knowing that his childish crush was most likely some fantasy that would never happen.

Heavily sighing, Sugawara glanced over at the captain who was scribbling down something, most likely notes, in his workbook. He wore an intense expression, brows creased in concentration.

Watching as Daichi glanced over at him, the silver-haired male adverted his gaze, feeling the intense stare of the male. The teenager wished the warm eyes of Daichi would look away, he didn't want his friend at the moment, not while he was in such a fragile state.

Moving his gaze from his workbook to the whiteboard, a note had been left by the previous teacher, giving them a free hour to study and catch up on any school work that was due in. Suga breathed a sigh of relief, thankful he was allowed some time to rest and catch up on his thoughts, not that it meant that it was always a good thing.

Hearing footsteps coming over to his direction, the platinum-haired teen quickly looked down at his book which was casually laid out wide open, random notes jotted down with some small drawings lining the edge of the page.

He knew the rhythmic sound of those footsteps all too well. They sounded confident and cheerful, full of purpose.

"Sugawara, are you okay" Daichi's voice rung through his brain, making his vision blur and the smooth tone that was laced with concern.

Letting out a reluctant sigh, the male rubbed a hand through his silver mop, knots getting caught up in his pale fingers, tugging against the roots causing him to wince slightly in pain.

"Yea I'm fine," Suga smiled, warmth radiating from the picture-perfect grin of his that lit up the room around him "Why, were you worried?" he poked, smirking at his friend, the sulking demeanour he had previously shown now disappearing like a morning fog.

"You seemed mad at me this morning, I was just checking you were okay" Daichi forcefully laughed, his cheeks flushing with colour.

"Just tired, I didn't sleep last night" Sugawara loosened his smile, feeling his gut drop knowing that it was the man standing in front of his desk at that very moment who kept him up.

"Oh, that happens sometimes, it's been happening quite a lot with me recently, weird right" the captain laughed again, pulling up a chair to sit next to the silver-haired male.

A moment of silence filled the pairs personal bubble, both refusing eye contact, glancing around the room at random objects and people, anything to avoid the others brilliant coloured eyes.

"You know, you look different somehow" Daichi mumbled, picking up a pencil and twiddling it between his fingers, finally giving those honey coloured eyes a chance and gazing into them with an innocent look.

"What do you mean different" Suga glared playfully at his friend.

"Nothing, your hair seems longer and- never mind" the male rubbed his neck, cutting off his sentence, re-thinking what he was about to say.

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