|• The pang of heartbreak

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Woo it's exam season for me :,)


The air drifted through the open and empty halls, the sound of chalk on a chalkboard breaking the classroom silence. Math, one of Sugawara's best subjects and one he enjoys the most.

It made sense. There was no 'maybe' you were either right or wrong in math. It gave him some grounding, some sense of control. It was like building a brick wall, each brick had its right place and way.

However, today was not a good day, especially one where he needed to focus. The wind that blew outside distracted him, it rustled the trees and blew up dirt. He even watched as a couple of the PE students kicked a ball and it went flying.

A refreshing draft was coming in through the hallways, blowing past his face as he dozed off.

However the sweet sound of the bell awoke him, and the class, all eagerly listening, waiting for the teacher to finish.

"Now don't forget the homework" She said, her eyes scanning the room, going over every single student "I'll be marking it over the weekend... you may go to lunch"

Every single student leapt up like starving lions, lunch being a juicy piece of steak, chatter began almost instantly with teenagers moving about, going in and out of classrooms finding their pack of friends.

Sugawara was just like the rest, packing up his things and moving out the door, making his way through the crowded hallway, keeping his head low to avoid attention; which was hard considering his effortless charm.

However he made it to his destination. Standing outside Kiyoko's classroom, he peeked inside to see Kiyoko sitting by herself, gazing outside, lost in her own little world.

Daichi hadn't seemed to make it to lunch just yet, so Sugawara assumed he got held back, and Asahi was away so it was just the two of them at the moment.

"Kiyoko!" Sugawara wavde, making his way over to his friend.

"Ah Sugawara, it's just us for the moment" she smiled, pulling out her lunchbox and picking out the sandwich.

"Oh that's fine, what do you have for lunch?" Suga said, following suit.

The pair spend a couple minutes sharing some small talk, idly snacking on their lunches. It was a slow and rather boring lunchtime, however it was nice to get a break from the mind numbing classes.

"Hey where's Daichi by the way? He should be here by now" he said, stuffing the last bites of his rice ball into his mouth, enjoying the saltiness of the seaweed.

Kiyoko hesitated, her body freezing up before meeting Sugawara's eyes "Oh.. you're not going to like this"

"Come on, just tell me. It can't be that bad can it" the boy pushed playfully, hoping for a good outcome.

Except he knew that wasn't going to be the case. He knew. His gut was screaming at him, and his heart was beating out of his chest. Even though he had no clue what was going on, he sensed something terrible.

"Well he got held back, but he's meeting Michimiya somewhere. She said it was important and seemed kind of in a rush" Kiyoko said, not letting her anxiousness come through so as to not worry the poor boy.


"I think she might confess... they were heading in the direction of the confession tree"

What... Sugawara's mind started racing.

Before he even knew what was going on he sprinted out of the classroom, ignoring Kiyoko's frantic attempts to stop him. He needed to know what was going on and he needed it now.

Now in a full blown sprint, his legs were going faster than his mind, bringing him through all the shortcuts, flying down staircases. He heard the yells from the teachers to walk, he felt the eyes trailing him, but his mind refused to let him stop.

And in an instant, he was standing outside, in the courtyard, a bright cherry blossom tree standing tall and graceful, the blossoming flowers letting their petals fall gracefully around a young couple who were talking underneath.

The confession tree. A giant blooming sakura tree, its limbs extending in all directions, an elegant sign to behold and one of the many pride and joys of the school. While no one knows exactly how old it is, the rumors say it has been here ever since this school has been open, flowering every summer and spring, dowsing Karasuno High in lovely pink and white petals.

However another rumor grew just as the tree itself did, earning it the name of the 'confession tree'. Proclaim your love to another, as the flowering sakura's rain upon you, and your feelings shall be returned. While it may just be a silly rumor, Sugawara couldn't help but worry, never wanting to underestimate the word of another.

His heart was out of his chest with anxiety, he couldn't help tear roll down his face as he saw the pair in the soft flurry of petals. However he still had hope...

What point was his hope?

A simple thought crossed his mind, catching himself as he took a step forward, pulling back from his screaming instincts that kept telling him to run, to run and stop whatever they were doing.

However his moral senses held him in place, if this is what Daichi wanted, then Sugawara should be more than happy to comply. His whole life he had been the best friend, the back up, someone Daichi could lean on. Daichi had been there for him as well, just as friends did, late nights studying, being a shoulder to cry on when life was hard, celebrating their successes together in their own little world.

But maybe he had gotten lost, the blinding light of love led him astray with a fake dream and a hopeless truth... Daichi was a friend... And he would never be anything more.

Seeing the couple so happy, his best friend and his new partner, made something inside the teenager scream. With warm tears streaming down his flushed cheeks, Sugawara ran off. His mind is unable to comprehend the chaos surrounding him.

After flying through the hallways, he found himself in a small cupboard, crowded with brooms and mops, and cleaning supplies galore. The smell of bleach and chlorine wafted through the air, however none of it mattered. All that matters to him was the pang of heartbreak in his heart.


No question today sorry folks, I hope you enjoyed the chapter though xx 

-Jay <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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