|• Midnight Horror

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The next few chapters will contain things to do with the female menstruation cycle and other things that are related to female puberty. This is a warning, if you are not comfortable with these types of things for any reason, I advise you take caution reading.



Lying awake, tangled in a mess of bed sheets and blankets, Sugawara's figure lay wide awake, watching his bedside table clock tick away. While he looked to be in a calm state of mind, his body was anything but that.

He was curled up in a fetus position, clenching his aching chest while his heartbeat rapidly. He could feel his own body warmth through his thing shirt, much too high to be normal.

His mind felt light under the covers, like he was in his own world separate from the rest of the world, though on the other end of the spectrum, his body felt as if he was a ton of bricks, every movement felt strained like he was weighed down by a ball and chain.

Though as awful as he felt, the love songs that played distantly through his headphones that were tangled on the floor kept him grounded to reality. Each song letting him imagine a perfect dream where he danced along to the beat of Daichi's heartbeat.

It was an obsessive behaviour, Sugawara knew that, but it was something that drove him wild. It had only taken that moment, a split second where the captain had helped him with that homework sheet, their faces so close to each other. It had been that moment he had realised he was in love with his best friend.

Whether it was a hopeless cliche or fate, it didn't matter. The teenager was hopelessly in love.

His eyes moved over to his clock that dimly illuminated his room with faint glow as it suddenly changed time, now showing '12:01'. It was unreasonably late for a teenager who needed sleep to function.

He already struggled to pay attention in class, using a lot of his energy to write notes and not stare out the windows at the birds that flew by. So lacking in sleep would not help his situation of dozing off.

Removing his hand from his chest, he moved his hand to his abdomen, now feeling an intense pain through his stomach. He wasn't sick, even with the obvious signs, Sugawara could tell that much.

Though it possibly couldn't hurt to go to the doctor. The silver-haired male made a mental note to ask about that in the morning, though feeling as if it wasn't too urgent. His parents, even though they were there to support him, he didn't feel as if they needed the extra weight on their shoulders.

Yet even with his relentless comforting, telling himself he would be fine, the abnormal pain in his stomach was something that most likely shouldn't be ignored.

Rubbing his cheek as he pushed himself up, he sat upright with his legs dangling over the side of the bed. His eyes scanned across the room, picking up the vague outline of his furniture.

With the moon slipping behind the dominant clouds, the only light was from the bedside clock that flickered back and forth with the changing time. His hair fell messily over his shoulders as he pulled it out from his mouth, the strands feeling longer than ever with the spell of drowsiness that hung around him.

Finally standing up, Suga made sure to avoid the usual creaky floorboard that would wake his parents from their slumber, his feet that were hidden behind slippers making small noises as he walked down the stairs.

"Ah" the teen cursed as he sat his hip on a chair, rubbing the now throbbing skin.

Scowling at the object he had bumped into, he moved on, skulking through the lifeless building. A vague smell of charcoal filled his lungs from the burning of the fireplace the previous night.

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