Who do you take a nap with?

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♈Aries- Biscuit. You both were getting massages from her Nen assistant, Cookie. Biscuit was getting sleepy, so she dozed off. You laughed quietly and slept as well.

♉Taurus- Shizuku. You were getting tired of reminding Shizuku about important things, but you still enjoyed her company. Your head hurt, so you decided to rest a bit. You slept quietly and Shizuku sighed and wished she didn't have this short term memory loss. She took her glasses off and rests next to you.

♊Gemini- Feitan. You were reading those books Feitan likes to read. You had no idea what the book was talking about and you fell asleep. Feitan walked in on you sleeping with his book in your hands. He sighed and silently grabbed the book from you and quietly read besides you.

♋Cancer- Leorio. You were helping him with his doctor stuff and you accidentally touched a liquid substance. You started to feel drowsy and decided to sit on a chair and sleep. Leorio panicked a bit, but calmed down and napped next to you.

♌Leo- Kite. You were on an adventure with him......and your legs were dying. You literally fell, but Kite caught you. He found a cave to stay in and let you sleep. You were so relieved and fell into slumber. Kite sat besides you and rested as well.

♍Virgo- Gon. You guys trained so hard on Nen and both of you were tired and covered in sweat. You decided to lean on a wall and nap for a bit and Gon walked over and joined you. 

♎Libra- Illumi. You were traveling with him to kill some people. Well, he was doing the killing. You were sick of watching people being slaughtered. Different emotions started rolling in your head. You sat on a rock, wanting to rest. Illumi told you that you could take a nap. You nodded and dozed off. Illumi decided to rest too, so he dug a hole and slept. (Bro I just thought of him sleeping in a hole. XD)

♏Scorpio- Alluka. You were playing with her, then she rested her head in your lap and lightly started snoring. You put your hand on her head gently and closed your eyes.

♐Sagittarius- Netero. He's old, so he randomly just falls asleep. You stared at the old man while he was snoring. You sat next to him and snored quietly.

♑Capricorn- Shalnark. You both were searching online for places the Troupe can steal stuff from. Your mind started to become tired, so you lied your head on the table and fell asleep. Shalnark smiled, then yawned. He rested besides you.

♒Aquarius- Kurapika. You were reading books together. Your eyes got heavy, so you shut your eyes and fell asleep. Kurapika looked at you and smiled, closing his eyes as well.

♓Pisces- Killua. He ate a lot of chocolate. So much that he was sleepy. He fell asleep and you stared at him like, "How is this kid so addicted to chocolate? And how does he not have diabetes?" You sat next to him and closed your eyes.

Finally finished this part! It took so long to come up with a scenario for each person. I hope you enjoy! :)))

You know, I actually want to take a nap right about now....

❀ 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜𝐬 ❀Where stories live. Discover now