Chapter 2: Dealing with a Devil

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"Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8 ESV

|Paulo's POV|
Night comes and I'm here in the room of mine and Joshua's, just chatting with Savion on my phone.

|Paulo's POV|Night comes and I'm here in the room of mine and Joshua's, just chatting with Savion on my phone

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His active status immediately went off, That's fast! I brushed my tooth then went to bed|End of POV||Savion's POV|10:55 pmYet little did Paulo know that I'm guarding him, as I observe Devils will try to conquer a Human's soul in the middle of 11:1...

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His active status immediately went off, That's fast! I brushed my tooth then went to bed
|End of POV|

|Savion's POV|
10:55 pm
Yet little did Paulo know that I'm guarding him, as I observe Devils will try to conquer a Human's soul in the middle of 11:10 pm... This happens every night by 11:11 pm, It depends how strong the Devil is, if it's a newborn Devil then you're lucky 'cause it's just an easy one. You thought 11:11 is for a wish? well, It's the time your Angel is saving you from a Devil. If ever I can't defeat a Devil I'll call Archangel St.Michael to help me since he is the protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Kenrick, My best pal gave me an amulet to keep me unseen when guiding Paulo secretly. I feel bad energy, it means the devil is here...
"You're 2 seconds late" I.
"Tsk!" The devil rolled his eyes, I stopped him trying to touch Paulo. He pushed me against the wall and we teleported to a red means war
"Let's get this over with. I want to conquer my recipient" the Devil grins
"As if I'll let you" His Flaming wings are flapping as he fled.
"I feel so pity for you, you don't have wings HAHAHAHAHAHA" evil laugh after saying his sentence
"I don't need wings" I replied, my trident appears on my right hand as I call for it
"Ohhh the Human Angel is so fierceee" He teases
"Let's get this over with" I attack and he defends it with his sword. I kick, then he slides backward. We fight as hard as we can to defeat each other when my trident flew away
"No weapons now? HAHAHAHA" The devil grins. He went closer and pierced his red trident on my left shoulder, I winced in pain as I feel the fire burning inside my skin. I managed to push him away. I closed my eyes then sigh
"St.Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him---"
"NO!!!" The devil tries to stop me
"we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls--"
"AMEN" I opened my eyes and Archangel St. Michael appeared, he begins to draw the devil's trap (The photo was above the title). I sigh in relief to see the devil got sucked up by its trap, Archangel blow the ash away like dust in a book
"Child, are you alright?" Archangel St.Michael kneels in front of me
"K-kind off" I checked my bleeding shoulder
" I can call on Archangel Raphael to heal your wound"
"N-no, it's okay Archangel St.Michael...I can treat this by myself" I replied
"Alright...Just summon him if you need okay? I'll be leaving, child" He disappeared leaving a white feather. I teleported on my Apartment, groans as my wound hurts more as I move. I checked the clock, Dang! I fought that devil for almost 1 hour!
"12:30 am...right..time to treat this wound--ackkk!" I accidentally pressed the cotton deeper


Who would knock at this hour? I don't feel any bad energy tho. I opened the door
"Why would you knock in this hour??" I asked, He immediately spotted my bleeding arm
"Gut feeling that you need help, c'mon before your blood dries" He pulled me by my right hand and we went to the living room
"Wouldn't Pastor would wonder why you're not home, Best pal?" I asked
"He is asleep when I left, and don't worry, I won't stay long" Kenrick answered while he treats my wound
"How's the fight?" He asked
"Quite hard" I sighed deeply
"Aren't you tired? being a human angel isn't easy..."
"I may be tired but only for a moment, not for a lifetime" I answered
"There! tadaaaa it's done!" He smiled happily, I turned my head to see my wound that was now covered with bandage.
"Just don't move your shoulder that much and It'll heal soon like your past wounds" he added
"Thanks, Ken" I smiled at him cheerfully
|End of POV|

|Kenrick's POV|
"Thanks, Ken" He smiled at me cheerfully. Damn! His smile is like a cure that can heal you anytime when you're down
"Welcome!" I replied, I get a paper and wrote something
"Read it," I told Sav as I show him the paper
"Due Care?" Sav asked confused
"That's what you call a clown right?" I chuckled waiting for him to guess
"Due care??? Huh?!" He frowned and repeats the word again and again
"Ahhhh!!! JOKER!" He finally got the joke, I laugh hysterically
"Are you hungry? You have just told me so I can cook for you, than being an idiot" He chuckled
"happy?" He is so done HAHAHAHAHA, I'm cryingggg HAHAHAHAHA
"Buang!" (Crazy in Bisaya language) Savion.
|End of POV|

|Back to Savion's POV|
5:00 am
Kenrick stayed a Lil longer and also left before sun rises. Guess.. I'll take a 3 hours nap for awhile
|End of POV|

|Paulo's POV|
6:30 am
I woke up because of the sound of my alarm, Gladly it didn't wake Joshua Up. I did some stretch before I stood up to go to the bathroom.
"They are still sleeping..I better not be noisy" I whispered to myself. I took a bath, brushed my tooth, Dressed up, and packed the things that I needed for work. I gently walk to my parent's room and touched my mother's arm
"Ma, Good morning"
"Oh, Good morning, What time is it?" She said dazedly
"Quarter to 8" I answered
"I'm leaving" I added
"I can cook breakfast before you go"
"No, It's okay ma, I can stop by at 7/11 to eat breakfast"
"Alright.." I grabbed my backpack then wear it as we walked to the door
"Bye" I kissed her on the cheek
"Take care, Son, Love you!" She waves before I leave, I wave back and painted a smile on my face as I leave the house. It's gonna be a long day! First day of training here we go!
|End of POV|

-Devil > Lawful evil
-Demon > Chaotic evil

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