Chapter 13: A Present

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"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
-- Romans 6:23

Date/Timestamp: 04/10/15 (April 10 2015) Friday, 6 PM (On the same timeline as Chapter 10: Human Tragedy)

|Savion's POV|
I listen as I heard Mama Grace call Paulo on her phone, checking if they are going home from the reunion. Waiting for my turn to talk to her.
"Take care, Luv you" She ends the call.
"Mama Grace," I called approaching her, Oh my, I'll miss her.
"Yes, son?"
"I-I need to leave" I stuttered saying those words, knowing this might be the last time, I'll see them.
"To where? It's already late. We will welcome Paulo home" She said. I am afraid that I won't welcome him in the next hour...
"I just have to meet someone urgently" She then nods and smiles. I hugged her tight.
"S-see you later po" She seems confused as to why I am like this, but I am seizing the moment before I leave.
"Bye, Mama Grace" I walk out the door.
"Make sure to be home before 12!"

I smiled as a reply. Goodbye, Natividad family.
|End of POV|

|Constantine's POV|
"B-babe, H-hold o-on, Stay w-with me, P-please keep your e-eyes open" Paulo, His voice...
"HELP!!! HELP!!!" All I hear is his faint voice from a far, and I barely can see anything.

After almost an hour, I faintly hear running footsteps... Rescuers?
"Ma'am! What is your name?!"
"C-constantine h-hermosa..." I tried speaking despite feeling so weak.
"Miss Hermosa-" and there it goes. It became completely black. Their voices starts to disappear slowly, am I leaving?

Once we are at the hospital, I watched as they bring Pablo in the surgery room. I stayed beside him until he was transferred on a room, Sitting beside and admiring him so much while he sleeps. Oh Paulo... You even look so handsome while sleeping.
"Pau! You're awake!" I exclaimed excitedly when I spotted his eyes open.
"Constantine!" I hugged him, This comfort he gives is just so loving... just with his hug it felt like nothing is wrong, that there were no problems in this world. Oh Gosh, I will miss his presence.
"H-how are you?" I frowned staring at his lovely sparkling eyes.
"Babe, just tell me" He cups my face with his big warm hands, I held it both with hurting eyes, this wounds me so much. Saying goodbye to someone you love.
"I'm Fine, babe" I kissed the back of his right hand, giving him the short relief before he wakes up, I want to see him happy before I leave atleast.
"You should be resting by now"
"Can I go home?" I asked with pain in my voice which he gladly didn't notice.
"Of course" I stood up hesitantly and hugged him for the last time.
"I love you, Take care ah?" I whispered.
"Yes, meym!" He answered jokingly which made me chuckle. His gaze turns to the door, He must be seeing my Angel's shadow.
"I'll be going now" I slowly take my hand as I take a step away from him.
"I love you, Babe" He smiled and waves at me.

I walked out the door, taking a last glance at him before closing it.
"How's your farewell?" Savion exclaims, I didn't say anything and hugged him for the sadness I felt leaving Paulo alone. He caresses my head.
"We'll take it from here... You have to leave your worries here."
"But, Who will look after him if you'll leave?" I asked him, For what he told me, He watches over me and Paulo together despite his recipient is only me.
"Maybe the Archangels will appoint another for him" Savion frowns shortly, obviously he is also sad for leaving Paulo behind. He lends his hand out.
"Let's go, My recipient, Constantine Hermosa" I took it and smiled, leaving my worries alone as we took a step on the stairs, leading to the heaven above.
"I accept the offer, Angel Savion" He lead me to the golden gates, Welcomed by Saint Peter.

"Welcome to Heaven, my child" We bow politely still holding Savion's hand.
"Do you have any regrets when you were still on Earth?"
"Do you have any grudges to anyone? If yes, did you leave it on earth?"
"Yes, I do... To my father whom I never met."
"Did you live at your best?"
"I was and still happy to what I've achieved in this life. I am contented to what I have and I appreciate every bit of it." Saint Peter smiles at me genuinely.
"Very well, Child. It shows and I am very happy to hear it" Me and Savion took a glance at each other before looking back at him. He turns to Savion.
"Now my son, You have fulfilled your duty as a Guardian Angel, I am very happy for you for fulfilling such duties since you were little. Give me a wish for it to be accomplished as a gift."
"C-can I?" He asks with sparkly eyes, he then turns directly to me, Oh my, he looks unsure to answer it.
"May I ask my recipient for an answer?"
"You may"
"Can I ask for your wish, Conti?" He asks sweetly.
"Sav, it's yours, use it" I chuckled and he shakes his head. He is really serious, but I don't want to use it for my own benefit... Wait, Maybe..
"Are you sure, Sav?"
"I can't decide... If I have a choice, I should've answered" He does have a point.
"I can take this wish back if you don't want" He nods and listens to me.
"Be Paulo's Guardian Angel" I didn't stutter on that sentence... If there are any Angels I have to choose to look over my partner, I would choose him immediately... Savion became my bestfriend once we took him in Paulo's home, He already has my trust and nothing more. He sinks what I said and his eyes sparkled more than I imagine.
"I accept her wish, My Saint." He turns back at Saint Peter with full voice. The Saint smiled proudly.
|End of POV|

"I was A Present given to him by his Constant Love" Savion Narrates.

M-my Guardian Angel?! [StellJun AU]Where stories live. Discover now