Chapter 9: Human Tragedy

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"'He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
- Revelation 21:4

|Paulo's POV|
Date/Timestamp: 06/04/15, about 4 AM
I got my backpack and luggage for a 1-week reunion, I left the house and picked up Constantine. We are here at the bus stop waiting for our friends to pick us up.
"Zachary said they're near" I exclaimed as I place my phone back on my pocket after checking the notification and stared at Constantine who was watching the cars pass by, obviously watching out if they are already here.
"Is Atara with them already?" She asked without looking at me.
"I'm not sure"
"Alyssa should be here so we're complete, but I hope she's doing alright.." Knowing the tone of her voice, She misses Alyssa so much. Alyssa is one of her 2 very close best friends... by the way it's not that I'm exposing Jayce, but He likes Aly since the start of our Junior years. Sadly, He fails to confess, He chose to let Alyssa focus on her studies.
"Pau, There they are!" When Jayce stopped the van, We immediately went inside. now we're off to Baguio!!!

 now we're off to Baguio!!!

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3 days have passed and we're still here, now this is our 4th day aka Last day

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3 days have passed and we're still here, now this is our 4th day aka Last day. Jayce became our photographer HAHAHAHA He's the only single among us. We're here at the colorful village of La Trinidad, Benguet.

 We're here at the colorful village of La Trinidad, Benguet

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and to Burnham Park

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and to Burnham Park

Zachary, Atara, Constantine, and Me tried swan boats,  1 boat 1 couple, Sadly Jayce doesn't have a partner so He decided to scroll around picturing things

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Zachary, Atara, Constantine, and Me tried swan boats, 1 boat 1 couple, Sadly Jayce doesn't have a partner so He decided to scroll around picturing things. We'll be leaving at 6 pm, so 1 hour to go.
"Boys, We'll just buy food" Atara then pulled Constantine by the shoulder.
"I'll come!" Jayce followed after them while we take pictures of the view.
|End of POV|

|Atara's POV|
We just ordered our food and we're just waiting for it.
"Guys, I'll just check the car," Jayce said and he left. We mostly bought grilled street foods and potatoes on a stick. I'm sure the boys will love this.
"We got it, Where's Jayce?" Constantine just came from the other food stall that sells hotdog sandwiches and bought 5 that is now placed at a plastic bag.
"He'll be here in no time" and we spotted Jayce walking to us and he helped on holding the foods we bought. now back to the boys!
|End of POV|

|Paulo's POV|

We are now heading home...I'm so happy that we enjoyed our reunion! We had fun, So much!


I immediately took the call
"Hello, Ma?"
"Nak, Are you heading home?"
"Yes, Ma, We just left the place"
"Ahh alright, Just call me when you're near"
"Okay, Ma"
"Take care, Luv you" Mama hangs up, and I notice that Jayce is concerned about something.
"Jayce, what's wrong?"
"I think something's wrong w-with the brakes..." His voice cracks.
"H-huh?!" We are low-key panicking, shit.
"I checked this earlier and it seems fine, but now.."
"Try to stop the car!" Zachary
"I-i can't!"
"Girls, Seatbelts!" I ordered
"Alright, Let's try to calm down... Jayce, slow the car while driving" I added tapping Jayce on the shoulder. I'm still not relieved in this...We're on a canon road, Brakes are a top priority. I checked the girls and Zachary, They seem uneasy mostly Zachary, His eyes began to tear as he looks at Constantine then Atara...
"Babe, don't be too serious" I jumped when Constantine pats my shoulder, I know she is worried when I'm serious... I just nodded then I hugged her

 I just nodded then I hugged her

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cttro: @/vesterberry on tiktok

"I love you"
"I love you too" and she kissed my cheek.
Then, a nightmare happened... Our car wasn't able to stop when a landslide was occurring at the moment and we were dragged by it. The van falls from the cliff...every one of us was bleeding! My leg was stuck and I tried to reach her, I can see she is crying...Damn, Her head is having mass bleeding!
"B-babe, H-hold o-on, Stay w-with me, P-please keep your e-eyes open" I managed to keep my voice loud to let her hear it, I can't move and I shouldn't.
"HELP!!! HELP!!!" I screamed above my lungs after a while my sight is getting blurry...shoot, please not now!
"PLEASE STAY AWAKE, SIR" Finally the rescuers came...Constantine was placed on a stretcher, her whole face covered with blood...please keep her alive, keep THEM alive.

In this Human Tragedy...

I wasn't ready.
|End of POV|

"Estaba destinado a ser y no podemos hacer nada al respecto."

- Estaba destinado a ser y no podemos hacer nada al respecto = It was meant to be and we can't do anything about it.

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