Chapter 1: Present

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"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

"Ma, I passed for training!"
Paulo said Jumping from happiness.
"Really?!?! You passed the audition?! Congrats my Kuya Pau!!!"
She hug her son sweetly.
"I'm excited about being a trainee!!"
Paulo smiled ear to ear and bounces excitingly.
"Let's have a celebration?"
His father offered as he is so proud of his son.
"You don't have to, Ma, Pa. Having my family complete is what I need"
Paulo hugged his parents once again.
"You said so"
" Dinner is Ready!"
Paulo's Eldest brother, Keb, shouted from the kitchen. They ate dinner then went to their rooms.
"Kuya Pau, you already wrote 2 songs right?"
Joshua, his youngest brother asked, They share the same room.
"Yes, why do you asked?"

"Did you make beats already? I want to help"

"Sure, but let's do that some other time, on holidays maybe?"
Joshua nods and lay down, playing with his phone.

"You passed?! woahhhhh congrats pauuuu" Savion said happily to Paulo as he hugged him shortly.
"Thanks.. but I'm nervous about the training...I'm worried I might get disqualified" Paulo frowns.
"Hey!" Savion cupped Paulo's face "I'm sure you will give anything for your dream" Paulo smiled looking at his eyes,  Savion took his hands off Paulo's face and looked away.

|Savion's POV|
we were just walking around when we saw a crowded area
"What is happening in there?"
"We don't need to interfere, Sav" Paulo said unbothered and tries to walk away.
"Heyyy!" He exclaimed as I drag him to the crowd.

"Please help my son! pleaseeeee" The elder cried in front of his unconscious son.
"What happened sir?!"

"He just loose consciousness!"
The Elder palmed his face while sobbing
"Pau, call an ambulance"
I ordered Him and He didn't hesitate to get his phone. I looked at the man lying on the ground unconsciously, He looks pale. I put my hand on his chest and feel that his heart isn't beating
"Sir, please, calm down, we called for a rescue already,"
people said to the elder trying to calm him down. Since I barely got the attention of the citizens, I think I can help somehow?..

"O Glorious Archangel St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the "medicine of God" I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor (here mention your special intention), and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen." I summoned Archangel Raphael since he is the assistance in healing, He immediately appeared next to me, we put our hands together on the man's chest then prayed.

"Oh! he is breathing!!" I exclaimed pretending to be innocent, I looked at his father's eyes, I can see the feelings of relief but also demon energy....people tend to have bad sides but this is different, it's like he is born to be a demon and his red energy from my eyes reassembles that he made many things that isn't at the Angel's Favors. The ambulance came and left with the patient and his father.
"Sav, Let's go,"
Paulo said holding my wrist, I nod and we left the area.
"Dang, what could be the man's sickness?"

"I think heart problems?"

He paused " Let's eat street foods? my treat"
"Right timing, I'm hungry"
I exclaimed touching my stomach as a gesture.
"It's not new 
He playfully rolled his eyes at me while he chuckles, He's so cute. As he orders I wait for him. as far as I know.. I'm only the person who is very very close to him among his friends, but limits are made and it's gonna come you think he can find a replacement?.. I'll be with you, as long as you live my Human. The next Presents of a new beginning will happen soon...and if ever it's tomorrow, I wish you the best even it's my sorrow, Paulo Natividad
|End of POV|

Archangel Raphael = is an angel who helps with a whole host of issues. While he is not in the Catholic canon (approved religious text), he is mentioned in the "Book of Tobit" which is a non-canonical religious text. In this story, Raphael plays a great role in many different ways. In the "Book of Tobit", he helped heal a blind man, restored a family's fortune, played matchmaker, released demons from a young woman, and helped a traveler travel safely. This is an angel who has a great sense of humor! Call on Raphael for assistance in romance, traveling, healing, and chance meetings. His name means "Healer of God", but he doesn't heal just the physical

Present = It may be occurring now
Present = It may be a gift

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