Chapter 7: My Past is in Question

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"Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths."
- Psalm 119: 1-3

|Paulo's POV|
I bought Movie tickets for me and Savion. Now, we're ordering popcorn and iced tea for snacks before we go inside the cinema.
"Be sure you're not gonna yell when IT flash on the screen"
"I'm not sure but yeah. Just be thankful I agreed hanging out with you!" He gave me a death stare and I giggle, he look so funny when teased.
"Thank you!" We said in sync to the cashier as we receive our snacks. We entered the Cinema and a dark hallway welcomes us.
"37...38...There! Seat 39 and 40!" I exclaimed and sat down. I placed the Drinks on the cup holder between our seats.
"Right timing, it just had started" He exclaimed taking a piece of popcorn and putting it on his mouth. We focused on watching the movie, To be honest, I'm quite worried that Sav may not sleep properly HAHAHAHAHAHA but it's his choice, I never forced him to go with me anyways.
"Give me the popcorn, You may spill them when the jump-scare flashes," I said and snatched the popcorn box from his lap, He was too focused that he didn't notice I'm talking to him.
|End of POV|

|Savion's POV|
I covered my eyes as the movie's sound is getting scarier and scarier. Damn, I shouldn't have agreed with this.
"I DON'T WANT CLOWNS!!!" I shouted and it echoed. Paulo is dying from laughter. shoot, This is embarrassinggggg. I'm hearing the other people laughing from the other seats.
"You good, Sav? HAHAHAHA" He checks me and I hit his shoulder.


The movie is over. Shucks, I can't get over the scene that happened earlier.
"Let's go, Mama messaged me, They're already in there with Constantine's Mom" Paulo pulls my arm and we run to the jeepney terminal. After 30 minutes, we arrived at the cemetery.
"Mama! Tita!" Paulo smiled to see his 2 mothers next to his girlfriend's grave.
"Oh, Pau, Stell" Constantine's mother welcomed us.
"Good afternoon" I greeted and bow. They smiled warmly.
"Ma, have you been here since earlier?" Paulo asks his mother while we both sit on the picnic blanket next to Constantine's grave.
"Yup! I came with her" She replied preparing the snacks they brought.
"Pau, Conan will be arriving today" Tita Maris (Conti's Mom) exclaimed with sparkling eyes after announcing her Eldest child's arrival.
"K-Kuya Conan?!" Paulo's eyes widened
"Yep" Tita Maris smiled. We chatted. Until I spotted someone walking towards us, He is wearing a formal suit, the one that is used for company meetings.
"Son!" Tita Maris had a wide smile on her face, she then runs to him, hugging him desperately in her arms. She looks so happy to finally reunite with her first child after years of being apart.
"Ma!" The man smiled ear-to-ear, they seem to miss each other a lot...It's so cute to watch this scene. But, what is the feeling to being hugged by your mother?...
"Hello po, I'm Constantine's Older brother, Conan" He then bows politely and took a glance at his sister's grave before looking back at us.
"Hello Hijo" He got a hug from Mama Grace.
"I'm Savion" We shake hands and I smelled his scent. His scent is like the smell of a strong somehow dark and It's familiar...
"You already know me" Paulo chuckles and did a formal handshake with him.
"You're my sister's boyfriend, The one who's always with her whenever we video call, right?" Conan grins, Paulo nods.

They began chattering when I feel like going to the restroom.
"I'll just go to the C.R" I walk to the nearest Restroom in the area and faced the mirror.
"I'm sure I smelled his scent somewhere but I can't remember..." I mumbled washing my hands. I closed the faucet and heard a faint voice. I heard a groan of annoyance, I dried my hands and went outside to where the voice came from.
"uhmmm Excuse me? Are you lost?" The girl was frightened to see me all of a sudden.
"O-oh yeah...It's my first time going to this cemetery with my, I don't know where to head back" She scratches her head with an awkward smile.
"What's the name of the person you're visiting?"
"I forgot...but It's my older brother's grave"
"Maybe it's in the field is it?"
"No...I left my mom in the columbarium"
"Oh! I know where that is! follow me" We went to where the columbary vaults are. I memorized the whole cemetery because the Archangels often brings me here to talk to souls to be able to join heaven. I was a young angel, new rather.
"This is it! Thank you! I'm Jean"
"Welcome, Jean" I smiled genuinely.
"How old are you? you look like 14 or 15" I added to lessen the awkwardness that is developing after the silence.
"I'm 16 years old"
"Jean!" A woman called her, worried was written in her face.
"Ma, I got lost," She pouts.
"Oh, Thank you so much for helping her" She swiftly turns to me, our eyes met.
"W-what's your name?"
The woman looked at me teary-eyed which puzzles me.
"Savion" I smiled innocently and bows.
"That's exactly the name of my eldest son...How old are you, child?" Eldest son?..
"22, Ma'am" I'm unsure of my answer but it's my real age comparing on when the Archangels got me as a young angel.
"That should be my son's age if he is still alive right now..." Oh, shoot, she is tearing up, She pulled me gently and shows Her son's vault.

'Aragon, Savion Vale Q.'

I-Is this m-my grave?? My eyes softened as I saw this picture...

I-Is this m-my grave?? My eyes softened as I saw this picture

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The background seems familiar...the clothes also. It suddenly gave me chills down my spine. Its me! I'm sure it's me. This is what I looked like as a young angel.
"I regret not watching my kids that time..."
The woman exclaimed looking down, she sighs shakingly under her breath. She's obviously trying to stop her tears.
"By the way, can I hug you, Hijo?"
She added with a warm smile.
"Sure" She hugs me, It suddenly feel nostalgic, It felt like I have been craving a hug like this since forever... This hug isn't just a hug from a stranger, but it feels from my mother...

When she broke the hug I checked my watch
"Uhh Ma'am I need to go"
"Alright, thank you so much, it feels like I just hugged my son" She smiles as a tear rolls down her cheek, she's not holding it anymore. I hope she openly shows her emotions to the people who needs it.
"Thank you, Kuya!" Jean waved and I left.

"What took you so long?" Paulo asks almost irritatingly.
"I'm sorry, I just helped a kid getting lost"
"They are in Kuya Conan's car time to say goodbye" He said in a worn out voice. We visited Constantine's grave today and did a picnic beside her.
"Have you said yours?"
"Not yet but here I go" He kneel down and gently touches Constantine's grave, caressing it gently on how he used to caressed her hair.
"You're too early to leave...Look, your brother didn't even saw you for the last should have hugged him tight if you're still alive. We'll be leaving, babe, I love you" He said in a sweet tone, rather shaky because he doesn't want to cry in front of her. 2 years after losing her and he still yearns for her touch which hurts me as their angel.
"I'll be leaving first" and He started to walk away.
" time to say goodbye hahaha. Constantine, don't worry, Pau is safe on my hands...I'll never break my promise to a kind person like you. I'm sure you're happy somewhere else" I look at the sky and wave. I was about to leave when suddenly my head starts to throb, causing me to lose balance.
"Sav!" Paulo runs to me.
"Are you okay, huh?!" He helps me to stand up, holding my right arm and left shoulder as support.
"Hey speak up!" Panic and worry was visible in his voice.
"I-I'm o-okay... " I exclaimed still thinking what flashed on my sight while my headaches. 2 kids playing outside...
"C'mon, It's time to go home" He puts my arm on his shoulders.

What does the woman or let's say my mother, mean?

"I regret not watching my kids that time..."

Guess...My Past is in Question...
|End of POV|

Date: Sept, 7 ,2017

-Columbarium = is usually used for cremated remains in which there are many niches that hold urns. A columbarium is a building that houses urns, or cremated remains.

M-my Guardian Angel?! [StellJun AU]Where stories live. Discover now