Chapter 16: Gift/s from the Archangels

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"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."
-- Psalm 91:4

|Savion's POV|
About 4 PM, It's my day off so I stayed in. I plan to just relax today and do a few cleaning. I left Paulo's house when I found a job that is quite far, about 5 towns from their house to my job and that is where I decided to get an apartment nearby so It won't be a struggle. They actually have access to get in here any time. I am using my laptop on the dining table, just organizing some files.
"Hmm... Let's call Paulo to drop by some snacks and stay for the night" I look around to find my phone, and once I spotted it, it's on the coffee table on the living room.

I was about to stand up when suddenly my chest starts to hurt, making me lose my breath as I grasp my chest. I groaned in pain as it starts to worsen, from my chest to my back. It felt like knives are stabbing me nonstop. I felt something coming out of my back and it hurt more each second as it tries to reveal itself, ripping my shirt apart. I shouted in pain as it stings too much. I kneel since I can't take the aching pain, it tortures me as it starts to show more behind my back. I held the top of my chair to help me stand up despite the discomfort that I still feel, I took a peek in the mirror as I catch my breath. White Wings... It's my wings that showed at my back... Once I regained a bit of strength, I tried stretching my wings out. It took me a lot of strength to study how to move such huge wings, It's big enough for me as it can reach until my lower leg...

Now I feel so dizzy. I only then observed that blood drips down my sweating back because on how my wings appeared. My wings took all strength that I have and now it causes me to feel everything, My whole body is in pain, My sight gets fuzzy, and I can't even stand straight anymore...
"Pau... te necesito aqui..."
|End of POV|

|Paulo's POV|
I haven't heard from Savion in awhile which intrigues me, he often updates me on his schedules and what he's doing for the day. Being busy for about 5 days is reasonable, but today is his day-off, so he must be home.
"Kuya, can I buy some milktea?" Alexa asks and I nodded. We are walking home from the wet market after buying goods for lunch.
"Buy 3 milkteas" I gave her the money.

*Pastor Silverio calling...*

I didn't hesitate to answer the call.
"Hello, Pastor?--"
"Go to Savion, now!" That made me panic. I immediately dropped the phone call and told Alexa that I have to leave urgently and I left her the bag full of the things we bought. I rushed to Savion's apartment hoping that he is not hurt.

"Sav!?" I knocked several times and received no answer from him which adds to my panic, I unlocked the door and searched for him, only to find him lifeless on the floor half-naked with his ripped shirt on the distance.
"Savion!" I moved his body to a straight laying position and checked if there are any wounds or anything that could possibly make him faint like this. I placed my palm on his forehead, shit he has high fever! I carried him into his bed, laying him down gently. I am now worried on what really happened before he fainted. It's impossible that it's because of high fever! He knows his body's limits and he knows when to rest if needed. After wiping him with a cold towel, I went outside on the living room and spotted his teared shirt. I pick it from the floor and unfolded it showing 2 ripped holes on the back. What? It doesn't make any sense. The only thing a shirt will be torn apart is that it has to be pulled away by force, but this... seems odd. If I would use proper thinking, Wings might be the cause of the broken shirt, but to put common sense, why would he have wings?!
"Tsk tsk tsk" I shook my head with confusion and dismay. This is like a nonsense puzzle.
|End of POV|

|Savion's POV|
Paulo was stuck in the maze, so confused about where to go. He looks wounded and in so much distress which made me so worried. I look around, He is lost as rain pours hard making it more difficult to escape the maze. I tried walking closer but then I spotted someone behind him in the shadows, holding a knife and is ready to stab him any minute.
"Paulo" I woke up soaked in cold sweat with the hangover of stress from what I just dreamed off.
"Sav" Paulo woke up from my call and immediately wipes the sweat on my forehead before checking my temperature.
"What? Your fever went up" He gasped as he checked the thermometer. My body is still alil shaken from everything, My Fever Dream feels so real in a way that is concerning... I don't want that to happen.
"Let me get another cold towel" He was about to leave but I pulled his wrist as I sit up with a heavy head.
"Stay for a moment..." No wonder there's bad energy in my dream... it's because there is, here in my apartment.
"What time is it?" I ask weakly, waiting for him to sit down while still holding his wrist. He took his phone out and checked the time.
"11:10 pm, you've been out for about 7 hours straight!" That's why there's dark energy around... A Demon is here. However, I can't protect Paulo on this state, I'm too weak. Shit, I feel it getting closer.
"What the hell, Sav?! What happened to you to have this fever? You're not working too much, are you?!" He then starts preaching, this is normal for me whenever he's worried. But I won't focus on that at the moment. The Demon is behind him now... ready to attack anytime, I tighten my grip on his wrist while glaring at the demon behind him, he can't touch him if I have physical contact, it makes up an invisible barrier between him and us.
"Are you okay? You are gripping my wrist tighter" I ignored him. I am now thinking on how to protect him without him knowing. This is difficult! Once I take my touch away from Paulo, He will be possessed in a second.
"Savion! Can you even hear me?" Something flashed beyond my sight, someone pushed the demon away, but I can't figure out who and what it is! The dark energy now disappeared on my apartment, making me breathe deeply in relief. I'm so thankful to whoever that is. Once a dark entity left my space, they can never get back here again, It works like a one way ticket. However, it adds to my problems on who it is... Kenrick will notify me first if he came to help, so it surely isn't him... My eyes then soften as I move my gaze and attention to Paulo who waves his hand near my face.
"There you go, Why are you so spaced out?"
"I'm fine, Pau" He then scoffed, he look so angry, frustrated and worried at the same time. Oh no, I'm in trouble for sure.
"You got to explain the reason why you turned like this."
"I'm probably just tired from working too much"
"You never overwork yourself, Sav. You are definitely lying right now."
Sheesh, I know he will pull this card at me.
"I'm not."
"You sure?"
"Do you think there is any other explanation to why I fainted?"
He shook his head looking at me with innocent eyes, pouting cutely. Gosh Paulo, You're pulling me.
"Then explain why you torn your shirt apart?" Oh no, That is what I can't explain to him.
"Did you already eat dinner? I'm starving" Surprisingly, his attention was diverted the second I mentioned dinner. That's easy to escape an interrogation.
"I cooked adobo. Let's eat together" He went out to ready the food for the both of us, making me smile as I have nothing to worry about now.

I am thankful now as I have received Gifts from the Archangels... My angel wings, and the mysterious savior.
|End of POV|

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