Chapter 12: Foundation Event

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"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done."
-- Proverbs 19:17

|Paulo's POV|
Date/Timestamp: 05/30/19 (March 30 2019), 10 AM

We did what was planned and prepared for the Foundation Event at a Children's Orphanage. Their food for the event, supplies that can last for 3 months, and a money donation for the orphanage to spend for the children. I help the workers carry boxes with supplies while Savion plays with the kids on the main court. Hearing their giggles and running footsteps. We just found out that 5 out of 100 children were badly sick. 4 have Stage 2 cancer and 1 is diagnosed with Severe dengue that is currently on the 2nd floor where it's more guarded by nurses and a doctor. Kuya Conan decides to visit the poor kid and keep the kid company.
"Sav, Enjoying are we?" I chuckled while walking closer to them, The 4 kids stopped and looked at me. They are the kids with cancer.
"Hello po" the Caregiver introduced them one by one as Lena, Cedric, Maeve, and Luca. She also added a part that they are mostly the ones that make a good group by always staying beside each other.
"Hi, I'm Kuya Paulo, but you can call me Kuya Pau instead" I crouch to match their height, and I did a high-five for each of them to see their bright smiles. How can kids suffer at this age by having cancer?..
"They are more energetic today than before" Another caregiver joins the conversation.
"Oh?" Savion exclaimed smiling.
"It must be because they saw new faces in this house." Oh, so they call this a house since they treat each other as family. That is great to hear.
"I'm glad that they smiled like this" Savion crouches like me and hugs them one by one before the Caregiver takes them away to get ready for the event.
"Do you know that they are such sweet and kind kids?" Sav exclaims while watching them walk away. I chuckled and nodded, They really are. But I pity their health, children such as them don't deserve to get terrible sickness, given the fact that kids are supposed to be Bubbly and Energetic.
"Let's go, We have to help with the preparation"
|End of POV|

|Conan's POV|
"Meet your past self, Concon" The person behind me sinisterly whispers.

I entered the room, welcomed by a girl that is lying on a hospital bed, obviously weak.
"Hello," I said softly and walked closer. She looks like she can give up anytime.
"What's your name?"
"Her name is Allegra"
The caregiver on the opposite spoke instead of her. I sat beside her caressing her hand. Looking at her so genuinely feeling so much pity for having severe dengue at a young age...
|End of POV|

The Event is about to start soon and the caregivers guide the little ones as they sit down on the small chairs of the color they like.
"I want blue!" One of the children announced. It was a bit chaotic but of course, because they are kids. They are meant to be naughty and joyful. Savion and Paulo are watching them from the corners, smiling at every bit of naughtiness they see, it's very cute to see kids as kids, aren't they?

|Savion's POV|
"Kuya Ced! Let's play outside!" The small girl, Lena, pulls her older brother to go outside in the field. while me and Paulo just watch them, ready to get in between if the 2 end up fighting.

"Kuya Sav! I want to play outside!"
a little girl's voice echoes in my ear, making me shake my head to stop it since it's starting to throb.
"Mama said not to go outside!" 2 kids pulled me outside the house, looking so happy as they forced me outside to play.

"Kuya, Pleaseee" Lena, begs him but Cedric shakes his head as refuse.
"Hey, hey. I think your kuya likes to stay here first" Paulo softly confronts the kids, after talking with them, they agreed with each other's choice to stay inside first and play outside once the event is finished, They left with smiles on their faces.

"Sav, Are you alright?" Paulo worriedly tapped my arm as he saw me squint my eyes because of the short throbbing of my head. I nodded without saying a word.
"What do you feel?"
"Nothing, just a sudden headache. Why so worried?"
I asked looking at him.
"I was just wondering if ever you remember your past life ever since I brought you home, You must've had a family that is wondering where you've been" He exclaims as he watches the small crowd of kids. I chuckled at his sentence and he turned his gaze back at me.
"I doubt on that part"
"Why so?"
I stood up to turn his attention, I didn't want to talk about family for awhile. The angels told me that God picks Angels like a flower in a garden, He picks the beautiful one.. but it wonders me as to why... Why am I considered as a beautiful flower in a garden full of it?

"Let's go, the staff signaled me to start hosting" I exclaimed happily while he stood up mirroring me.
|End of POV|

|Conan's POV|
"They have started the event," He said behind me.
"Let them, I will stay here for her comfort" I replied as I try to feed Allegra with the food we bought, Based on the information they sent me, She is 9 years old which is why she is easily weakened.
"W-what's your name po?" She faintly speaks and tries to sit down.
"You don't have to force yourself to do anything. I am Conan Hermosa. The Overall Producer of the orphanage."
"Sir Conan?"
"Instead, just call me Kuya"
She smiles which makes my heart soft. For a moment I felt nothing but pure admiration to see her smile every day. Oh my, a kind kid really shares their bubbly aura around people to heal problems. I like it.
"I like your name, Kuya Conan"
"oh really?"
"It's very unique"
"Thank you, Sweet Allegra"
I smiled back genuinely.
"You have work to do downstairs"
|End of POV|

|Allegra's POV|
"I told you, I will be staying here," Kuya Conan said annoyingly as he turns his head back but not totally looking behind him. He listens then turns back at me.
"Miss Allegra, I just have some short business downstairs that I have to deal with. I'll be back soon" He smiles while standing up. I like how he calls me Miss! It's like I'm treated like a lady, I giggled kicking my feet excitedly as he left my room.

but I wonder...

Who is he talking to?
|End of POV|

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