Chapter 5: Going back(1)

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"The flashbacks are a great way to give answers to the story"
-Sarah Michelle Gellar

"Since nothing important is happening, Let us go back to where it started" Savion narrated.

|Savion's POV|
Date/Time stamp: 16/06/14 (June 16 2014) , about 5:30 pm.

"I'm sure my recipient is so busy, anyways let's just wait here" I exclaimed waiting outside the building, It's kinda boring that your recipient is not noticing you. It's a work I got to do.


My eyes sparkled as I heard the elevator open, I ran through the glass and went near Paulo.
"Woah, No change when you entered the building since earlier, Still fresh," I said following him wherever he goes. He stopped by at Ministop. As always, I'm following him, He took 2 packs of Heart gummies and paid at the counter, then also left. The gummies must be for...
"Constantine! Babe!" Oh yeah! His beautiful girlfriend.
"Oh, Babe!" Constantine smiles and hugs him, They're sooooo cuteeeee.
"Look what I bought" Paulo shows the 2 packs of Heart gummies.
"Heart Gummies! My favoriteeee, Thank you pau"
"You're welcome, I love you" Paulo kissed her forehead and she blushes as she closes her eyes.
"I love you too" She replied and kissed Paulo's cheek, tip-toeing.
"I'll just talk to my friend for a minute, can you wait?"
"Of course!" Constantine left and Paulo took his phone out to distract himself while waiting.
|End of POV|

|Constantine's POV|
I wave goodbye to my co-worker and went back to where my boyfriend was, When I spotted people surrounding the area, I peeked and saw him kneeling in front of a man?
"Sir!? Wake up, Sir!" Paulo exclaims in a distress tone, The people started to call an ambulance. Gosh, what happened?
"Babe, what happened?!" I swiftly scanned the unconscious person on the floor, He is wearing casual rather decent outfit, A White tee and white shorts that is below the knee.
"We bumped into each other and he started to fall unconscious," He said worried and feeling guilty. I scanned his pockets. Shit, it's empty.
|End of POV|

|Going back to Savion's POV|
"Babe! He's waking up!"
"I'll get the doctor" I heard the door shut, My eyesight was a blur but became clear as seconds pass by, The doctor came and checked my eyes with a flashlight...Dang! don't tell me I slept in the body of a patient!?
"Sir? How are you feeling?" The doctor asks, Why don't this patient speak up! by the way, lemme get out of this body--
"Hey, Hey, Calm down sir, You're still not recovering from the fall yet." Constantine said, owsht! Don't tell me--?!
"Sir, What's your name?" Paulo waves his hand in front of my face. I look so dumbfounded in front of them right now. I'm surely screwed at the upper angels!
"Maybe It hasn't sunk to him yet" The doctor addresses to the couple.
"Let's give him some space" He added. Oh no! What have I done! How will I confront the Archangels about this?!
"Do you think we can leave him?" Constantine.
"I-I'm not sure, but I need to pay for the bills..It's my fault we bumped into each other" Paulo scratch his nape, chuckling nervously. Now, I even gave him a headache.
"I'll help you with the bills, but we should know what's this guy's name, have you seen his wallet?" He asked innocently to his girlfriend.
"I dug into his pocket earlier but I didn't see a single wallet nor a card" Constantine.
"It's almost dinner time, I'll buy us some food, I'll also update my mom about this" Paulo subtly whined at his sentence.
"Okay" Constantine kissed his lips before he left. I pretended to sleep to avoid conversations when I ended up truly sleeping.

"What do you need, my child?" Archangel Ariel appears.
"A-archangel Ariel.. I did something accidentally, What will I do?" The tone of fear and nervousness are visible while I speak.
"We will give you a mission to do"
"What is it? I will do it properly, I promise"
"Be your recipient's bestfriend for 5 years"
"I'm up for it!"
"Remember 'Actions speak louder than words'..You may go now my angel"
She disappeared.


I woke up in the noise of eating, now my stomach groans...what is this?! Then Constantine gently touches my arm
"It's time for dinner, we should eat." She offered kindly, I sit and see foods on the table, gladly I know how to use utensils. I ate with them. Damn! This is my dream, to communicate with humans, especially my recipient.
"Uhhh what is your name?" both of them in-sync, questions me as they took a bite of their food.
"My name?..." Oh, shoot! what will I answer?
"S-Savion, Just call me Sav" Right, It's what the Archangels call me, To be honest, I don't know where it came from.
"Woah a Unique name!" Constantine comments with bright eyes.
"By the way..where do you live?" Paulo. What will I answer?! HELPP! Are they giving me a question and answer?!
"Your wallet was nowhere to find" He added.
"Are you lost?" Constantine adds to my confusion, I can't answer all of their questions at once! It overwhelms me.
"because you look like wallet, phone and you don't know where you live" She further added.
"Yeah.. kind of close to that..." they looked at each other, seemed confused.

"Don't tell me, He's like a crazy person?" wow what a comment Paulo, Reading minds is my hobby but only sometimes. I don't want to break privacy.

"Oh shoot" I whispered looking away
"What's wrong?" Paulo.
"N-nothing" Now it sinks to me on how to live as a human, I am used to go through walls, and walk around unbothered. Now, It will be different to what I always do. Such in a tight state because of my clumsy self!
"Anyways..How do you feel?" Constantine.
"Fine, not feeling dizzy anymore"
"I'll talk to the doctor" She exclaimed, then Paulo's phone started ringing.
"I'll just take this" and both of them left for awhile.

"What will I do?... I wish another Angel could come and help me with this Human situation..." I sigh deeply.
"Huh??" I looked around to find where that noise came from.
"Psst!" My head swift to the corner, a figure like Pitch black, A shadow? I can't identify if it's a human, evil nor an Angel, I went near it then it ran away.
"Wait!" I tried to follow it when someone holds my wrist, It felt like electricity ran down my spine!
"Mister Savion, Where are you going?" Paulo asks.
"U-uhh, I just saw something weird"
"C'mon, Let's talk" He pulls me inside the room, We are with a couple of patients also and they seem nice, just by their ambience inside the room.
"Listen, My mom just called and we discussed something about you," Paulo said emotionless, obviously still shaken about everything. The fact that he has to bring stranger home because he thought that he caused the mess was really overwhelming to feel.
"We decided of letting you stay in our house, maybe... just for a bit while." He adds a sigh.
"Really?! Thank you, Pau!" I hugged him with excitement in my voice, maybe staying at theirs  will somehow help me live as a human.
"W-wait How did you know my n-nickname?"
"I heard that from your partner" I respectedly points out on how Constantine called him earlier.
"Please don't use my nickname yet." I subtly frown, oh... I only then remember that he doesn't know anything about me.
"By the way, where is she? I'll come and find her, stay here" He left me again.
"Phew, that was close" I whispered. after a while, They came back.
"Let's pack up!" Constantine smiles at me, Dang! Paulo is so lucky to have her, and so is she. I helped them clean then we also left the hospital.
|End of POV and Narration|

M-my Guardian Angel?! [StellJun AU]Where stories live. Discover now