Chapter 10: Love Goes

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"The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned"
- 1 Corinthians 2:14

|Pablo's POV|
"Pau! You're awake!" I saw a big smile on her lips... She's alive!
"Constantine!" I hugged her so tight, the desperate feeling that I felt after waking up looking for her was now gone as her presence already healed me.
"H-how are you?" I immediately asked after the hug, I receive no response but a frowning face.
"Babe, just tell me" I cupped her face making her look at me, She holds my hands and smiles with a tear in her eye.
"I'm Fine, babe" She pecks the back of my hand and I sighed in relief.
"You should be resting by now" I exclaimed smiling as I'm happy to see her alright.
"Can I go home?"
"Of course" She hesitantly stood up and hugged me.
"I love you, Take care ah?"
"Yes, meym!" I jokingly answered. I saw someone behind the door, It's blurred...
"I'll be going now" She broke the hug
"I love you, Babe" I giggle and waved goodbye as she walks away from me, she opens the door and I can only see the shadow... They hugged and left. and I suddenly fall asleep again--

"Nurse! Defibrillator please!"

"200! CLEAR!"

"200! CLEAR!"

"200! CLEAR!"

I heard that they sigh in relief. What is happening?

"His vital signs are positively going normal"

After seconds I heard the door closed shut and being opened again

"Thank god! you're now okay" Who's this familiar voice? M-mama?! I tried to open my eyes and It worked, though it's a bit blurry.
"Pau! Nak!" Mama Immediately hugged me. I miss this warmness!
"How are you?" Kuya Kevin asked worriedly
"Q-quite alright... Where are my friends? Where's Constantine?"


I touched the glass window spotting Jayce inside being in a coma... The doctor said that he hit his head hard and almost kicked the bucket, gladly he's still alive.

"Zach and Atara have minor as well as major injuries and still recovering" Kuya Keb suddenly spoke.
"How about Conti? How is she?!" They bring me to the morgue... I took the blanket off gently and I can't believe what I saw..... I thought she was still alive...?
"I-I just saw her telling me that she still a-alive?!" I look at the doorway where I saw my mom crying and Kuya Keb hugging her.

Something then died inside me... I sit beside her, frozen, still trying to process everything...

This isn't her right? Please, no.

"Please, tell me that this isn't her"
My tears blurring my eyesight... My heart feel so empty.
"This isn't her... THIS ISN'T HER!!" I hugged her dead body, her warm cheeks that I held earlier are now colder than ice itself... She looks so lifeless, Where is her color? Where is her bright aura?!
"Conti, Wake up please!!" I shouted so desperate while shaking her. Lord, Why do you have to take her?! WHY?!
"The doctors said she was dead on arrival..." I ignored what Mama said and cradled her in my arms, wincing in pain that my heart has... It left a hole, and its so deep that it will never cure itself, If I'll describe it, it's a sword that pierced me deep that it even went through me. A hole the you can see through... A Goodbye that I hated the most, a One-sided Goodbye...

I don't even have to wait till the sun hides
'Cause the brightest stars are the ones that live in your eyes
But love dies, with hope, I look up to the sky
And both my knees on the ground, I keep on asking why...

Why (my) Love Goes away?
|End of POV|

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