Chapter 11: Vigil

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"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace."
-Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV

|Savion's POV|
Date/ Time Stamp: 13/04/15 (April 13 2015), about 6 PM

It's the 3rd day of Paulo in this hospital. He refused to eat after he knew about Constantine. His legs are also disabled. I feel pity for him...
"C'mon, Pau, Just even one spoon full"
"I said, I don't want to eat"
"Leave me alone. I don't want to eat, please" He said in a much softer voice, I placed the food on his side table.
"Leave me for a while... I beg you"
"Alright" I left the room. I sighed deeply as I closed the door. I just finished my shift and I asked Kuya Mark and Tita Grace to go home and take a rest. It hurts me seeing him like this. His own darkness is the one that is hard to fight with... because no one inspires it, just himself.
|End of POV|

|Paulo's POV|
I woke up from sinking in my dream and saw Sav sleeping by my side. I dreamed of Constantine (again)... Someone is showing their gratitude to her? after that I sank in the water... What does that mean?
"I thought I am drowning for real" I muttered under my breath. I grunt as I moved my leg, and It wakes Savion up.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
"I'm okay, Just take a rest"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can just call you when I need anything" He went back to sleep. A sudden silence filled the room.

"You should eat, Don't let Savion suffer because of your stubbornness"

"I know you're hungry"


Are these my thoughts that speak so loud??? I can hear them whispering.

"You're hungry, aren't you?" I jumped when Sav suddenly speaks, I didn't answer and just look away.
"I know you're hurt because of what happened, but you can't just ignore your health."
"You know... Constantine would be hurt if you're ignoring yourself" He added with a sad tone. He does make a point... I don't want to hurt her even though she's not here anymore.
"I want to eat" He immediately get the food from the side table and gave it to me.


Date/ Time Stamp: 20/04/15 (April 20 2015), about 2 PM

Tita Maris was in reverie... I'll let her have a time on her own first... Savion was giving snacks to the visitors, and I'm here sitting in my wheelchair, watching everybody move on their own.
"Kuya" My siblings came and hugged me and Tita Maris.
"Pau, do you want snacks?" Savion suddenly came up to me, I just shook my head.
The whole day ran just like thunder or is it just me thinking of my girlfriend?... I feel empty inside. I don't want to do anything. In another range of view, I can see Bernael hugging me... Numbness roams inside me, though my feelings are hiding inside of my heart... It's locked inside there causing to fill the hole that was left with unwanted feelings.
"Pau! Hey!" I didn't notice Savion was in front, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Oh, sorry" He sat down beside me.
"I already miss her"
"Me also..."
"By the way, I haven't seen Atara and Zach yet"
"They'll come on the 3rd day" I was startled when He hugs me all of a sudden.
"I know you need one, let your emotions out. Don't keep them hanging" I hugged back and deep sighed.
"Kuya Pau" Kuya Keb. Savion left us to talk privately.
"I forgot to give you this when you woke up, It was found in Constantine's pocket" He handed me a small box with an crumpled envelope, I opened the envelope first.

"Hmm?""I forgot to give you this when you woke up, It was found in Constantine's pocket" He handed me a small box with an crumpled envelope, I opened the envelope first

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Oh yeah... April 22 is our Anniversary day, a day after tomorrow. I folded the paper and opened the small box, and there it goes, My tears falls down my face nonstop, showing what I truly feel about everything that has happened... I already miss her warm hugs that used to calm me down when I'm mad or lost.

 I already miss her warm hugs that used to calm me down when I'm mad or lost

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Woah. A Dagger Necklace? Kuya Keb pats my back and left. I stared at it for awhile and hugged it against my chest as I thought of Constantine as its her last gift for me.

|Paulo's POV|
Date/Timestamp: 05/03/19 (March 05 2019), 4 PM

I swiftly scanned my necklace before hiding it under my shirt as I heard footsteps approaching me.
"Paulo" Kuya Conan arrived and sat in front of me. He called me yesterday that he needs something important and he wants to say it face to face.
"Why did you call me?" He took a sip of his coffee first and then lifted his head to look at me.
"I need you to help me in a foundation for kids event"
"It'll happen in 3 weeks."
"Savion will attend too."

To what was written in Constantine's Letter for Pau (For readers if the image appeared to be small)

Hello Babe!
Our anniversary will be up in a week and I'm excited for that. It was two years ago tonight that you first told me you loved me and asked me to be your girlfriend. You changed my life that evening and put us on a path that has brought us such joy.

When I look at you today, I realize my love for you grow's deeper, richer and more satisfying as time goes by. Whenever something good happens, you're the first person I want to tell. When something bad happens, I know that I can count on you to take me in your arms and tell me everything will be alright.

Whenever you're down, remember that I'm here listening, I won't get tired listening to your rants, jokes, and problems... Hope you achieve your dream bigger than you expected <3 I want to see you singing on stage with your composed songs. I also wish us to be married when everything's alright, I will wait for that to happen, babe. I bought you a small present, I know you'll love it. Happy Anniversary! I love you so much, stay humble and kind my Litol Pau!
From your Constant Love~

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