Chapter 3: Voice in the Shadows

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"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one."
- 2 Thessalonians 3:3

|Paulo's POV|
6 pm drops, It's kinda dark at this time, I'm walking home after an exhausting day
"PAU!!!" Savion smiling as he waves, I cross the road and went near him
"I didn't expect you to be near the area"
"Oh, I just visited the church"
"Let's walk home together?" He nods and we start walking home.

"Come in" I offered Sav as I step inside the house.
"Good evening, Mama, Papa" He greeted.
"Good evening!" They smiled at him, I looked around, noticing it's half empty without my siblings.
"Pa, Where's Alexa and Mika?" I asked while I searched around.
"They are not yet home...we told your brothers to fetch  them" I checked my wristwatch, It's almost dinner.
My 2 brothers came and the other 2 was not with them.
"Where's the 2?!" I asked panic is taking over my body.
"We asked the guard, he answered that they already left before we came" Kuya Keb.
"Where must the girls go?!" This is making me nervous.
"Ma, Stay here, we will find them, contact us if they're home okay?" Papa told our mother, She nods and we left with Savion.
|End of POV|

|The 2 Girls' POV|
"This must be the shortcut alley to our street"
"Are you sure, Ate?" The Lil one is terrified looking at the dark alley they'll walk in later.
"C'mon, before time ticks, It's dinner time. we should be home!" The older one holds her sister's arm as they walk across the alleyway. Only a few streetlights were in there, making it more creepy, The 2 is horrified insight, but they need to walk across it to be home at once. they doubted thrice as worrying how their brothers will preach them when they got home, but no time for thinking they need to escape this alleyway. Shadows began to appear, one of the girls is nearly crying as She is so scared of the dark
"Ate...." The Lil one said in a shaky voice. Shadows portray 3 men in a muscular posture...silhouette it may be. The 2 girls refused to look up as they fear.
"Why are you girls in here?" A manly but kinda demonic voice speaks.
"please, we just want to go home....we're sorry.." The 2 girls were crying, their breath came a little quicker, nervousness ate them.
"Dejalos en Paz" A different voice speaks, they cannot define if it's a demonic or a human or maybe neither of it, Shadows disappear like a burst bubble.
"Alexa, Mika?!?!" They heard a voice of a Human, they looked up and they teared up to see their brother, Paulo, at the edge of the alleyway, The 2 girls hugged him tightly.
"Sorry, Kuya..." They mumbled in sync as their faces buried in his body as they hug him desperately, withdrawing the scary feeling they felt.
"Josh! Papa! Kuya!" Paulo shouted still hugged by the 2 girls, Savion pats their head.
"What happened there?" Savion exclaimed in a calm and sweet voice, They shake their head as a sign of refuse to talk about it further.
"Alright..." He smiles at them warmly.
|Specific POV: Mika's|
"What are you doing in that alley?!" Kuya Keb asked impatiently
"W-we thought o-of walking h-home..." Ate Alex answered, avoiding eye contact.
"You could walk home without crossing an alleyway!" Kuya Joshua replied annoyed.
"We p-promise to not d-do it again..." I exclaimed,  Our brothers' preach is safer for me than the voice of the shadows in the alleyway...To be honest, it caused trauma.
"Alright, The girls knew their lesson, Come and eat dinner, it's quite late" Mama said
"Oh Savion, come eat with us" Papa offered.
And We ate dinner


Who is the Mysterious voice in the shadows???

|End of POV|

-Dejalos en Paz = Leave them alone (In spanish)

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