Chapter 17: A Glimpse of Kenrick's Past

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"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
-- 1 John 1:9

Young Kenrick's laughter echoes inside the room feeling so giddy to play with his recipient.
"Archangel Nathaniel! Can I play with Savion nowww?" He runs around the Archangel playfully, waiting for his answer.
"Child, We already told you that playing with your recipient is forbidden" Archangel Nathaniel calmy replied with a hint of warning. He then flips the page of the book he's holding. Kenrick wasn't satisfied of his answer and pouted.
"Nothing will change, Angel Ken. A Guardian Angel is only meant to be invisible from their recipient's sight, unless blessed by the Higher Angels." The Young angel then frowns and walks around the room, scanning the bookshelves, hoping to find something interesting. Once Archangel Nathaniel noticed that he became silent, he immediately looked out for him.
"Child, may I know where you are?" As He passed by the bookshelves, he noticed a space between one of the books on the middle aisle.
"No..." He rushed to find the little angel. Calling his name again and again.
"Angel Kenrick!" He then spotted him in a dark spot, he breathes in relief and approached him from behind. Completely seeing the book that was missing on his bookshelf. Prayers and Spells. The little angel ran with the book, teleporting himself to where his recipient is.
"My Child, No!" the Archangel shouted in distress and tried to reach out, however, it's too late. The Little boy caused a great sin which he never knew the cost, a consequence for both his recipient and him. A Great Sin also comes with A Great Consequence.

|Kenrick's POV|
I woke up from a fever dream where my past haunts me again... I sat down, trying to shake the terrible feeling off my body.
"Son, How do you feel?" Pastor came with a glass of water in hand.
"Did you immediately call Paulo?..." That was the first sentence that came into my mind. He gave me the water and I gently drink the half of the glass.
"Yes, I did. Stop worrying now." I placed the glass on the night stand and that's where I feel body pain. Gosh, it even gets worse when it's not mine. I share pain with Savion... so what I've been feeling right now is what he endures. Great thing that his recipient is already with him.
"For sure Savion is being taken care off. Now you have to focus on yourself." Pastor forced me to lay down and take a rest.
"It's already 11:40 pm, are you hungry?" I shortly shook my head, I feel lost of words after I spoke my last sentence... Is this because of trauma that came back after my fever dream?
"You are still heating with high fever..." Pastor worriedly places his palm on my forehead.
"Pastor... Savion is the one who needs healing, not me." I hear him mumble a spell which I interrupted. He then chuckles and took his palm off. He was about to cast a healing spell to me, unfortunately this isn't my own torture.
"Oh, right. I will visit him on sunrise. For now, have a rest" After placing the cold towel on my head he then left my room silently.

Me and Savion shares the same pain because we are Soulmates.


Well... You'll find out soon...
|End of POV|

Archangel Nathaniel = He is the Archangel of life-purpose, manifestation and transformation. He is a real fire angel and his symbols are the sun and the stars.

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