Chapter 15: The Informant

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Paulo informed Conan about the disrespectful vendor that shoos homeless kids away from his shop.
"Kuya Conan," Paulo knocks on his office door.
"Come in, Mr.Natividad" He orders. He is formal whenever at work, even with honorifics. Paulo walks inside and stood in front of his table.
"How may I help you?" He lift his head from the folder he was reading and looks up at him.

|Paulo's POV|
"Caim's Store of Fruit and Veggies... Does that ring a bell to you?" Kuya Conan slightly turns his head on the side, thinking about it, and then he nods.
"Oh that store, I am one of the top contributors. It's under my friend's company. What about it?" He asks innocently, I thought it's under his company, well I think that's good, at least he doesn't have any rude employees under his.
"I found out just recently that he shooed away homeless kids quite rudely just for asking for food." Now that I talk about it, I noticed that his eyes are merely black, like pitch black which I only found out until I stared at his eyes while talking.
"I suggest to make an action before it causes customer's inconvenience."
"What exactly do you mean by taking action, Paulo?" Now he subtly drops the honorifics to me, he appears to be captivated of the topic, Interesting.
"Uhm, Like personally warn the employee about it and instead give food or even a bit of fruit to the kids rather than pushing them away." He nods at my answer and brought his eyes back to the folder he was reading earlier.
"I'll take action soon, Thank you for notifying me. You may leave."
|End of POV|

|Conan's POV|
I immediately called the owner of the store and told him what I heard about.
"I don't care about your personal affairs, but didn't I told you to never hurt kids especially the homeless?!" I yell annoyed to the other line.
"What kids, Sir?" his raspy old voice replies.
"I swear Caim, if you are pretending to be dumbfounded."
"Oh! Is it the 3 kids you are talking about, Sir?" Fucking 3 kids? He pushed away 3 kids?!
"Yes" I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I got no patience with people who treats kids like trash. It's a trauma I had, but not mine.
"Oh my, Are you making a big deal out of this Concon?" He whispered beside me.
"I would appreciate if you shut up" I discreetly shouted at him making sure that my conversation on the phone isn't interrupted. I heard Caim laugh from the other line after noticing my point.

"But, Sir" He paused after chuckling, "They are not truly kids."
"Tell me more"
Now, this caught my attention.
|End of POV|

"Otro misterio aún por revelar."

Otro misterio por revelar. = Another mystery yet to be revealed.

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