Chapter 4: Ourselves VS Us

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"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."
- Colossians 3:23

|Joshua's POV\ my hobby, also my passion. They are saving me from reality. Class starts in a matter of time while waiting for it, I'm continuing my poem.
"Hey, you look so focus in there" my seatmate, Arwind claims as I caught his attention.
"Yeah...just doing my hobby" I replied, the teacher came and we sat properly as respect.
"boring" He whispers, I heard it from a distance, But I just didn't mind it. Is he talking about my hobby or the subject?...

I'm eating alone since my friends aren't present today. If you wonder why I don't hang out with my sisters, it's because we have different schools.
"You're Passion is unlikable"
"It's just a waste of time"
"You'll never gonna reach anything"
"Writing poems are so boring"
Thoughts won't stop! Please!

"Arghh!" I smacked the spoon on the table and left the cafeteria. I locked myself in the Restroom, crying silently while facing the mirror, dry hands placed on the wet bathroom counter, Tears blurring my sight as I gaze at my image at the mirror. The thoughts that popped into my head are still in there. It didn't become unclear even an inch. I step backward farther away from the counter, One more step... another one... and another one until I bumped my back at the cubicle. I sit on the floor feeling drained... No, I'm drained... I keep pulling myself down unconsciously... Ourselves is our Biggest Enemy. I rinse my face with water and checked my eyes on the mirror. It looks emotionless. I need to go back to class.

I'm walking home when I stroll by the park, I saw an event is happening at the moment
"Anyone who wants to Perform for free? Anyone can try to get out of their Comfort zone" The Host announced as the mic echoes from the speakers. Maybe trying this won't hurt me at all. I went to the production team and asked for permission, They agreed and I plugged in my soundtrack and took my polo off to get ready, They also signaled the Host and gave me a mic.
"Oh! We have 1 person who volunteered!" The host told the crowd with a wide smile, and They asked me to get up the stage.
"What's your name?"
"Josue" I answered, when I became an Artist, 'Josue' will be my stage name.
"Alright, Josue! BRING IT ON STAGE!" The host left the stage and the spotlight focused on me, I performed my Original composed song 'Agos'.

"susunod na lang sa agos ng buhay kahit pa mapagod lang sa kakagawa ng mga obra akoy kakanta at mag rarap hanggang sa malagot ang hininga" While I sing the chorus, I stared at the crowd, They are looking at me, eyes filled with awe. It felt so good to perform your song even in a random event... It inspired me to continue what I'm doing. I continued singing, feeling the song as I perform it. When I reach the bridge everyone cheered and vibe with me.

"WOW!!! That's LIT isn't it?!" The Host entered the stage, the crowd cheered again.
"Who is the artist of the song you performed?" The host looked at me
"I-i wrote the song" I mumbled
"Really?! That's awesome! Let's give him a round of applause!" A wave of applause rippled through the crowd.
"The meaning is so Deep! People can relate to those, Did you release this song already?"
"Not yet.. I still need to find the right timing"
"Your performance was very appreciated, Josue! Hope you can release your song! Once again, let's give him another round of applause!" I heard warm feedbacks from the crowd.
"ONE MORE! (Performance)"
"Thank you so much!!" I bowed as I heard all of those, I waved goodbye and left the stage, I don't know why but I feel so appreciated! I got my bag and Thanked all the staffs behind the stage. Now my heavy feelings was exchange into a light one. Your mood really changes once you do what you love no'?
"Hey! Josue right?" An unknown person speaks, He is wearing a semi-formal clothing looking like a decent man.
"Uhhh Yes sir"
"Your performance is delightful!" He claps.
"Thank you, Sir!" I smiled flustered.
"I'm a manager of a Entertainment of trained artists, You could audition this Sunday" Then he took out a calling card.
"You still have time to think about it, I would really appreciate to have a Hands-on artist like you" He added, I took the card and bowed.
"I'll think about it, Sir, I need to ask permission to my parents first, Thank you so much for the opportunity!" He smiled at me and I left the event.

This is one of the best days of my life!
|End of POV|

Josue owns this Chapter and will always be his

Trans of the chorus:
just follow the flow of
life even I'm tired
of making works
I'll continue to sing and dance until I'm out of breath

(My own translation :))

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