Chapter 14: A Simple Day

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"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
-- Isaiah 40:31

|Paulo's POV|
Weeks after the foundation event, I decided to hang out with Savion before getting busy with the training again. We are walking on the side walk, eating our burgers and holding our drinks. Savion decided to order 3 extra burgers and water bottles, which puzzled me. I was just staring at him waiting for him to explain.
"Pau, I have something to show you" He then signaled me to follow him somewhere near the alley where Alexa and Denise used to get lost before.
"Kuya!" A kid waves at him.
"Hello!" We both went closer to see that they had made a shelter with the use of boxes, however, their bed looks decent enough as it is a simple mattress, if you look closely it looks brand new, roughly used for about 4 days time.
"Oh, you might be wondering about the mattress," He paused giggling proudly, "I buy things for them whenever I have the chance" I look at him, Wow, I mean knowing Sav, he won't hesitate to help if needed but I didn't expect such things as a mattress for him to donate it to these kids, though they undeniably deserve this kind of treatment. I run my eyes around, It's a small shelter with 3 kids, I assume that they are 8 year olds.
"Here you go!" Sav smiles as he gives them the burgers he bought.
"Eat them carefully" I said and quietly squeals on how cute they are, They reminded me of the kids at the orphanage.
"Can't we bring them to the orphanage? It will be more safe and secured there than in the streets" I asked as we both sat on the ground, I guess we will eat with them.
"Shockingly, there are more safe here.." His voice started from clear tone to a low one, it's like he didn't mean to say it. The kids watch us innocently as they bite their food.
"Explain why" Sav shook his head jokingly, not looking at me.
"Let's enjoy our food, Pau" I only nodded as a short reply. While hanging out with the kids, I found out from them that they met him when they were begging for fruits from a vendor near the area but the vendor looked so disgusted to them that he shooed them away from his store, and then Sav came to buy few fruits for them to share. After that day, Sav started visiting them sometimes to hand out things that are convenient for their daily use.
"Sheesh, I didn't expect this actually" I jokingly said and stared at him for awhile which made him look away once our eyes locked. I laughed at his reaction, He is so attractive when caught off guard, It amazes me why he doesn't have any woman yet.
"By the way, can you introduce me your names?"
"I am Maynard"
"I'm Dario!"
"Treyton!" Maynard looks like the Mature one who handles everything while the other 2 acts their age which is fascinating for an 8 year old for having such mature aura.
"You have such great names! it fits you guys" I caressed their heads.
"Do you know that they named themselves?" I turned to Savion, that's even more surprising in a good way.
"Can't believe it right? Same HAHAHAHAHA I would've named them so much worse than that" Lucky that he didn't tho. HAHAHAHA he will ruin how the kids name fits their personality.
"Let me guess, You are gonna name them, Junard, Teytey, and Bester" He laughed, Looks like I hit the target point.
"It's the exact thing I thought about!" I looked at him and shook my head in dismay, no way he would name these kids those HAHAHAHA. It's decent, I know, but it just doesn't fit!
"Believe me, It's a great name but not great enough for their taste" Both of us laugh as well as the kids, it's great Savion took me to see them, It's peaceful to laugh like this without worrying any thing at the moment, just the 5 of us enjoying each other's absence.

"Look, A black feather!"Treyton then walks back to us holding a black feather. We stared at it for a moment as he turns it around, lowkey playing with it. It's quite big for a chicken's feather. I can mistake it that it came from a wing of a bigger bird.
"Pau, let's go" Sav stood up and dusted himself. I followed after him.
"I'll visit you guys again, okay?" He bids farewell and waits for me to say goodbye too.
"Me too, See you guys soon" I did high five for each of them before leaving.

While walking to the church, Savion points at a store.
"That is where the vendor sells" I walked close to the store but not showing that I'm interested on buying, I just need to scan it for a moment.
"What about it?"
"Isn't this one of Kuya Conan's stores that he gives funds to?" Sav stands beside me checking the name of the store.

Caim's Store of Fruits and Veggies

"I don't know actually, I'm not that close with Kuya Conan to know his business affairs." He then leaves first and me following after I remember the name.
"Best pal!" Savion did a shoulder bump and a hug with Kenrick before we entered the Church. We sat next to each other in one of the middle benches. I've known Kenrick as Savion's other friend other than me. Well of course, Sav can even make friends just by staying with a stranger for 5 minutes, and the next thing you know that the stranger enjoys his personality. However, Me and Kenrick are the closest to him, counting Conti as one since she treated him like her brother even though they brawl almost every day which is one of the things I missed the most about our daily life before she died. After praying, Pastor came out and greeted us, I made a bless gesture to give respect and to greet him.
"Good afternoon, Pastor"
"How are you, sons?" He warmly asks. We had a little chat while walking around the church. The Church has a beautiful garden at the back and that is where we are right now.
"Excuse me, Kenrick, Paulo. Can I talk privately with Savion for a moment?" We both nodded and left them quietly in the garden.

Me and Kenrick wait for him on the opposite side of the church having a small little chat.
"How are you?" He cuts the silence.
"Doing great, you?" His necklace caught my eye. It's also a dagger necklace but more of a sword-cross which has a sculptured angel wing on its handle and a small black gem on the middle where the cross is placed. He noticed me staring at his necklace.
"Oh, this? Pastor gave it to me as a gift when I came into his life" He held it and caressed it carefully.
"Conti also gave me one..." I took it out under my shirt, showing a normal-looking dagger.
"What does it mean exactly?" I asked looking at him when we heard Savion's voice calling for us.
"Guys! Let's go?" Sav offered and I placed the dagger back inside my shirt.
"I still have some errands to run for Pastor, Let's hang out some time" Kenrick subtly bowed and said his goodbyes, leaving us after.

Me and Savion went somewhere else after visiting the church. Just enjoying A Simple Day before tomorrow. I would be busy for sure.
|End of POV|

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