Chapter : 6

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  "It's hurt that U will Never Look at me
  The way I Want U ".


All lecture I just wrote down my notes .
I don't want to face any one I don't even want to talk to anybody. After assigning the assignment she left the class .

" Lily ???". I turn and look at him.

" Are you still mad ?". I just shrug and
  pick up my bag and phone.

" Look , I am sorry ". I Stand up and
   glare at him . He look kind ashamed
   of himself . I feel eyes on me and I
   without any doubt I know whom
   they belong to.

" We will talk outside ". i mutter.
   Jackson warped his arms around
   me a sigh my back is still hurting
   me like a bitch.

  " You fine ?". I nod jungkook was still
     busy looking at me.

" Yeah just my headache hit me 
    pretty badly this time ". I lie to
    cover up the truth .

  I sat on the grass and drew my knees
  to my chest . Jackson sat beside me.

" I am sor..".

" why did you left so early ?? Without
   even waking me up?".

" Huh ??.... Yeahh .... the first thing I saw
  when I woke up was jungkook laying
  on the couch ... and I guess that you
  both had a fight ... Over me...., So
  I don't wanted to add trouble for you".

" Yeahh , I guess we both had a fight .
   It's nothing new . But you should have
   waked me up beacuse I was worried
   sick about you " 

" I am sorry ".

" Just stop saying sorry over and over
  again . I hate this word ".

" I shouldn't have insulted you that
  way ".

" You hited my sour nerve , haven't
   I told you my scandalous feelings ?".

" I know I know ".

" but you still did that?? I hate to admit
  but your words hurted me , even
  though I know they were true but still
  It hurts. You know how much I love
  him , if it were in my hands i will
  have unloved him a long ago ".

" Just please forgive me".

" I was not mad at you , I just can't
  mad at you . It was just that , I was
  hurt ".

You know the community in which
I am living always diss at me , just
like jungkook did . My parents death
is the most painfull memory of
my life. And jungkook think it's
fine to joke about them.

Even jungkook wants me to leave me
all alone. I don't know what is the problem with , what is the reason
that they hates me so much.

I think its pathetic of me to stay with
these kind of people because they
way they treat me is not right.
I should stay alone with respect. Why
am I living here when I have no

But I can't leave him , i spent all my life
for the these thoughts that maybe
someday he will feel the same .
Maybe he will love me the way i am
loving him.

" What you want to eat ?".
  His voice brings me back to reality.
  And what I saw was pure shocked to
  me. I was sitting on the chair on the
  cafe . I didn't even know how am I
  here .

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