Chapter : 12

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" We won't Forget this


His lips finds their way to my lips at first he was slow and gentle but as time passed his touch was becoming aggressive. His hands was everywhere.

His hands grabs my left boob and message it lightly caressing the hard nipple and both of nippled was hard like bullets .

I try to fight him , push him , hit him but nothing was working. My entire body was shaking and sobbing.

His lips meet mine and he bite them so hard he spit it from the bottom , his tongue entered my mouth forcefully and he also bite my tongue. All I was feeling , tasting was blood .

When I thought that I can't get hurt anymore than this , he proved me wrong and pushed himself inside me .
I can feel his cock warmth and hardness inside me . I was wet but that
didn't stopped the scream which tear out from my mouth . I scratch his back
aggressively until I I sure that I drew out blood . He was still he let me do
it .

" Feeling better?". He mock his eyes
   were narrow and dark . How can I
   feel better I am scared I am hurt and
   he is asking me this.

It was only the head of his cock which
was inside me and I was screaming in
pain , how am i going to endure it
when he will go inside all the way .

" I am restraining myself so much
  but if you didn't stopped this bitchy
  attitude. Then I am going to show
  you how much of a monster I am .
  And will show you no mercy ".

He was pushing himself slowly and
slowly inside , inch by inch .
My body was giving in , allowing him
the access. And then he succeeded in pushing past my vaginal barrier .
His thrust was powerfull and he was
buried deep inside of me fully.

I close my eyes suddenly started to
feel like I am going to loose my
conscience any second.

I opened my mouth to say something
but nothing came out . He was looking
at me but no emotion was on his

At least he showed me a little mercy and didn't moved or thrust . I was
thankful for these mercy.

His cock was fully inside me and I
can't do anything about it.
He feel so enormous inside me I can
everything , every inch , every vein .
His skin which was covered in my
wetness everything. He was buried so deep .

I feel like I need to vomit this right moment. Or jungkook will be covered in my vomit .

" I feel nauseous ". I covered my mouth
  scared that I will spill it on jungkook.
  His one hand hold the back of my
  head and shoved his tongue into
  my mouth. I was feeling nauseous
  and that's how he helped me.

  He kissed me softly tenderly his
  tongue explores mine in little
  hungry licks . His tongue which taste
  like rum I don't know which
  drink he had earlier. But it taste so
  sweet I can feel it on my tongue .

  Our bodies pressed toghter his solid
  hard chest crushed my soft breast .
  we both were breathing heavily
  when he parted , I could still feel
  his lips, his breath , his taste ,
  his wetness on my mouth .
  Both of our heart was thuding loudly.

  The hunger was there , like he wanted
  to devour me. He wanted to eat me
  out alive , for a second I felt like
  we are a couple who love each other
  to the moon and stars .

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