Chapter : 13

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" U Are Still my PERSON even if
I am not yours ".


" Get away from me please ". I cried I was still in his arms sobbing my whole
body was shaking I felt dead

"It's hurts not having you here this
close to me but it's hurts more when
you are here I don't know
what to do ". I pushed him forcefully
tearing myself away from him he
is a man with no feeling , why in hell am I exposing my feelings to him nothing matters to him.

"Why did you lie to me? You fucking
made me angry to the point I was
not seeing anything straight... why
did you lie about it and why were
you with taehyung? And even if you were not then why did you lie that you had sex with him ? " He was laying on his front his magnificent body in front of me no matter how much i am angry at him I can't help but appreciate his naked body he was in my reached I can see him but he was
far away to touch.

" Just leave me alone I don't want to
see you ... Please leave ". I turned
around so I wouldn't faced him
making it clear that I can't stand
him , But in reality I was in battle  with my emotions and feeling I am still feeling like this even after what he did to me.

I can feel jungkook eyes on my body his eyes tracing my every wound , every bruise, every love bite , i can feel it in me that he was
longing to touch me , his eyes were
taking me all , his eyes were telling  what his lips were afraid to say.

What jungkook did to me hurt me
more than it should have hurt because I know he doesn't love me he never saw me more than his maid.

Jungkook sat up straight staring at me every muscle in his body tense and got
tight when I tried to stand up.

" What are you doing ?". He glared anger was evident in his voice daring me to say what he knew I was going to say.

" Going for a shower ". Those words
I couldn't swallowed them any
Longer it slipped from my
mouth in a desperate whimper.

" You have my cum between your
pussy and now you are showing
that my touch disgusts you ?
You want to scrub it off ? But didn't we
both heard you screaming my name
in your joyride when you cum
Hmm ?? Now when it's done
it's makes you sick ?".
Voice petrifying fragile and soft if I
didn't knew him that better I will
think that my words sting and pain
him. I closed my eyes trying to cover
up the way his words stabbed me
straight in the heart.

"I never show you by actions or
words that I want to have sex
with you i am not like your
bitches the one you use to sleep with...
It will be not a big deal for you but
for me , it is a serious issue I don't
Squandering my time by fornicating.
So don't mind me it was my decision
and right to have sex with anyone I
want and you took that all away
and what reason do you have ?......
because you were jealous and
angry that's all ". I sat up naked
trembling , shivering with fear
or anger can't tell and drew my
knees to my chest and clutched the
sheet to my cleavage.

" Just because I sleep with you that
doesn't make me a skirt-chaser and
womanizer , you were the one who
was screaming to get fuck , you
were screaming my name so loud
neighbour's could tell that I was
fucking you and you know it was
not a rape I didn't forced my self
On you it was mine connubial
rights and it was bond to
happen ". He spat those words out of hatred our eyes never left each other
all i wanted to find in his eyes was
Some sort of comfort and hope that what he is going to say is not gonna tear me apart and give me damage more than he already did .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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