Chapter : 5

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She wore a smile like a loaded
Gun .

I want to clear my mind . I think about the past . Old memories where I was happy genuinely happy where I didnt have to pretend that I have to show
everyone that I'm happy .

I was such a happy child when my parents was alive . When I was living with jungkook grandpa he took great care of me.

But know I remember that I'm like this for so long . I don't know for how long ?
I never wanted someone to hold me so badly like I want today . I want some one with me . Someone with whom I can share my problems.

I stay there for so long that when I go home it was dark outside.
I didn't relize that it is so late . When i walk in jungkook was pacing . He was looking anxious and worried .

" Where the fuck were you ? Did you
See the time?". He asked me . I look
at him dumbfounded.

Why he is acting like this ? He didn't
care then what with this act .

" FUCKING ANSWER ". His face was
red and scary .

" I was in the park I didnt know its
so late ". I mumble quite and loud
enough for him to hear .

KIDDING ME ? ". I can tell he is piss
off his hands is running in his soft
strands in frustration .

I WAS SO WORRIED ". He shout as
if his shout is making me belive
that he was worried about me .
But I apologise because this man
always say if something nad
happened its always because of me

" I'm sorry . I think that you will be
not home like always . And sorry
for thinking that you will not care
or worry about me ". His eyes look
intense ready to explode any minute
and punish me .

" WHAT ??? ". Why the fuck he is
shouting at me like I have done
something wrong I just want to have
peace and look now what I am

" stopped with this shouting . I'm sorry
I didnt want to worry you . I dont
think you care about me if I'm home
or not . Because you never did before .
Heck you never notice if I'm alive
or dead ".

" Good , it's my fault . You are right
I waste my time and cancel my
plans because of you . Because I was
worried that so nothing happened
to you . I should have never care ".

" Mister jungkook , You never did .
And now if you excuse me I will go
and change my clothes then i will
cook dinner for you ".

" No need, i will eat outside ". He picked
up his keys and purse then he
slammed the door before leaving .

What is his problem!!!!!

I go to my room then I changed my
clothes and prepare something to
Eat for myself .

I watch some k drama on tv and eat my
dinner . I watch all my favourite
drama episode but jungkook was not
here . He go out angry I know he will
not be home early .

My phone ring i got startled and pick
up . who could be calling me in this time.

" Hello "

" Hello , Miss are you Lily ??"

" Yes , I am . Is everything alright?
Who are you ?"

" I am bartender in this club . Mr.
Jackson always came here for drink "

" What happened to him ? "

" He is drunk and your number was
the first on calling list so I called you .
Sorry for disturbing. But I cant call
his family you know who they are "

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