Chapter : 11

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" I Wish He knew how much I love
         Only if he knew  ".


" Spit it out or I'll rip it out from
  your mouth ". Panicked I looked at
  him I don't know what to say should
  I lie but I know I can't lie he growled
  impatiently one day or another he
  will knew about it and it's not a
  big deal it was just a Friendly date
  Even if it was not why do I explain
  myself to him.

" I was on a date with taehyung ". I
   used my words carefully.

" What !!!!!". He screamed and stormed
over to where I was standing .

" How long has been this is going on?
Are you fucking him ? Or pending
to be his Fucking girl ? Talk The
fuck you two have been doing behind
my back ??". He gave me that
interrogating look his words shocked
me to the core how in the hell he
can asked me this , he is not the
boss of me he can't asked me this
type of questions he has no business
in my life.

" You don't have any business in
   my matters but for your information
   yeah we had amazing sex , he was
   so big I had great fun , And do you
   know his kink ?? I ask and tap my
   finger on my cheek in mock
   consideration. He is the one who is
   fucking his cousin and now he is
   questioning my relationship with

  How ironic !!

  " He loves choking , He love to have
    control in sex.". I told him sternly
    I am lying so why shouldn't I also
    have a little fun isn't like he cares
    whom I fucked or not.

" Aw Really ??". I nod and smirked
  Jungkook you will face the after math
  of your actions.

" Yeah ,, And one more news for you
Mr Jeon and I am leaving in
few weeks . I thought I should tell
you this . I forget to tell you He fucked me in his car , in the restaurant ,
in the bathroom. You are mighty Jeon right you have to know about everything so I told you". My phone
ring and I look at the screen
name Bread cheeks was calling me.
Our picture was flashing on the screen.
Taehyung and I took many great and
funny  pictures that night . But I settle for a picture i was in taehyung and his arms was around my waist and mine was wrapped in front of his neck .
He was posing his signature V look
with a smirk and for me a big wide
happy smile was plaster on my face.
When I didn't picked it up he message
me instead .

      Bread cheeks is typing.........

I will call him later for now I ignored
it. Jungkook was looking at my phone
his face was showing everything which
he was feeling It's a rare thing for
jungkook to show his reaction on
Things he is the one who always
master up a cold face.

" What is your problem now ? I am a
maid for you nothing else , Remember
that words or do you need any
reminder ?". I continue my lying
ranting I know I was playing with
fire but what I forget was that if you
play with fire it will burn you alive.

"I'll show you what you truly are.
 I will strip this confidence from
 you ". He said and pushed me on the bed and sat upon on me his answer to
all of my ranting was mocking one.

" You worm get off me !!". I hit his
chest and try to get him off me.
Because he wasn't in the mood to
get off by himself.

" You are really want me act the way
you wouldn't like a bit ". 

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