Chapter : 7

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I was starting to Recover but then
U Looked at me AGAIN ".


He also stand up to greet me and chuckle slowly.

" Pabo we are in same class ". I
  mentality plam myself for this
  stupidity .

" Yeah , I forget ". I smile awkwardly.
   He warp his arms around me and
   gave a tight squeeze and I wince
   His arms drop like my body is fire
   and if he touch me he will caught
   fire too .

" You are Okay ?". I nod .

" Yeah , I just have sore neck ".
   I look at Jackson who was standing
   behind me looking at me
   suspiciously . " And headache too ".
   I explained further or you can say
   lie more.

" Okay ". Taehyung mutter looking
  at distance. I know he didn't believe
  me a bit .

" I will drop you off ". I swallowed
  hard .

I went out after taking shower and
sat down onto the my bed . I unplugged my phone from the switch and checked my phone.

I can't help but think taehyung was
acting a bit strange.

I got a message from a unknown number. I open it and it was taehyung.


" Hiii , It's taehyung I got your number
  from Jackson ".

                                             " Hello ".

                                          " It's fine "

"  Jackson thinks we are dating " .

                                      " He is a pabo ,
                                        don't worry ".              Taehyung

" I hope I don't make you feel
  uncomfortable today ".

                       "  No you didn't, you did the
                          opposite I feel very much
                         good ".

" Hahahha , Just hope that jungkook
  will not kill me today ".


                       " Not he would not , why he
                         would do that ".         


" Because I was sitting so close to his
  Girl ".

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