Chapter : 3

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I wish Love was as perfect as
LOVE itself


But Whyyyyyyy????

I have never done anything wrong.
I just love him and I want him to love me back is too much to ask ??
Why he hurts me always in this worst
way possible .

I remember when I first meet him .
He was such a cute and shy boy .
His bunny smile lighted up my sad world . He was my anchor the one who made me laugh . The one who made my monsters disappear.

If he is happy with her than I don't have any problem because i know he will
never love me back . He see me as a liability someone he never wants around but he have too bear my existence he have to do this for the happiness of someone who is dead all along.

Jackson stopped the car infront of restaurant .

" Why did you stopped the car ?......".
   I asked

" I'm taking you out on dinner here ".
  Cutting my words he put his arm
  around me he said.

" You don't have to Oppa. We should
   just study then I am going home ".
   For a second I don't want to be here.
   I don't want to go inside I feel
   extremely uncomfortable in
   rich places , where I feel like I don't
   belong here .

" We are eating first . Then we will
   do the assignment ". Making our
   way inside.

" And its is good for you to forget
  about him even it is for some hours".
  He said and goes out . We walked into
  this glamorous and so expensive
  restaurant which is I know out of
  limit .

" Why did you take me here . Its looks
   very expensive ". He titled his head
   towards the restaurant and

" Money is not a problem you know
   that lily . And I want best for my
   Little one ". Then he move towards
   our table and sat down.

" Thank you Oppa for everything you
   have done for me . You are all I
   have i never want to lose you ever.
   But you know me well , when we
   can eat healthy and nourishing
   food in not like these fancy
   places , then why waste our money
   here ". His eyes regard me with a
   light and soft look his brown eyes
   smiling .

  " I know this I just wanted to treat
    you ". I put my hand on his and rub it
   in reassuringly way . I get it I know
   he is doing this for me , it's just
   I don't want to be with so many

  I open my note book and start to
  Write on it . We were waiting for
  Food so i think in main time I should
  start our assignment.
  Twenty minutes later our work
  was done and food was still not here.

" it's done ". I chipped happily .
   And put my notebook back in my bag.

" And our food is here ". Jackson oppa
  said and I smile .

We eat our food in silence and I was
enjoying it so much... I was totally
ravishing the flavours.

Jackson and I was eating . But suddenly my mind goes to jungkook . Did he have eat ? Where is he ? Is he alone ? Is he waiting for me ? Did he miss my presence ?

I shook off that thoughts they are all
misunderstanding of mine . He will never ever miss me . Hack he will didn't even notice that I'm not there .
Because he was busy with his girl .
Why should he care about me ?

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