Chapter: 9

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                " I'm Sorry , I'm not
                What you WANTED ".

Jungkook Pov

  " Jungkook why don't you spend time
    with Ava she comed back after
    Three years she don't have many
    friends here anymore , You are the
    only one on whom I can count
    on ". Mother spoke while touching
    my hand . I know this is not the
    only reason she come all this
    way and she was also the one who
    told Ava to accompany her.

  " Mom she is fine here , And it's not
    like I'm stopping her from having
    friends or fun , and she also have
    bunch of friends " I took her hand
    off mine and shoot Ava a glare
    i want to know what exactly Ava
    Told her.

   " You know we don't trust anyone
    with her except you ". I shook my
    head unpleased how where this
    conversation is heading .

  " She is not a kid anymore she knows
    what is best for her or not ".
    I titled my head and frowned she
    always wants to have control over
    our lifes.

" Jungkook if she knew what is best
  for her this shit didn't have happened
  to her..... She is too naive ". My eyes
  Narrow at her the choice of words
  she choosed disgusts me .

" You can't judge her for one damn
    mistake she made , stopped taunting
    her the every chance you get ".
    My heart jumped and I took a
    deep breath.

  " And one more thing Jungkook when
    this girl is moving out?". My body got
    rigid what is exactly she asking .

"  What do you mean?". I snapped my
    patience level running low and
    it was my automatic reply.

" What I mean?? You want me to
  put in simple words ? I am asking
  When she is going away she can't
  stay here all her life , She is a beggar
  Always begging for love , food ,
  Money , home ... She can't live
  this far with beggiing ".
  I was so damn fucking angry I want
  them to fucking get out from my
  house before I loose my shit which
  she was doing absolutely perfect job
  to piss me off more after every
" Choose your words wisely Mom,
  She is not a beggar I didn't saw her
  begging anyone for anything she
  has her own money which her
  patents left for her ". I snapped out
  I said in a harsher tone I wanted them
  to know I don't like the slightest thing
  they said about her.

" Jungkook don't talked to her like
   that she is your mother ?" Ava looked
   at me and frowned I sigh and
   Stayed still for a while as much
   as I wanted to brust out I couldn't.

  "I said nothing wrong ". She look
    taken back I never talked with her
    in this tune but she has to
    understand in some matters I will
    not be so lenient , one of them is
    insulting lily in our home.

   Our ??? What are you saying
   Jungkook ? She is staying with me
   for years so that also made it
   her home right ?
  " If you guys have eaten and you got
   nothing serious to say . I have
   something important to do " .
   I gave them small smile it was
   clear I don't want them here any
   more .

" Jungkook ? ". I know what she is
  trying to do she wants me to kick
  her out.

" what now ?". I huff I couldn't
  even look at her .

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