Chapter : 4

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Grieve, so that you can you be free to
feel something .

"jungkook ". I got startled when I
saw him lying there comfortably.
What he is doing here . All the blood
drain from my body . He saw me
naked for the first time. There is
a boy laying on my bed .

" What are you doing here ?" I got the
courage and hiss.

" I like the view ". How dare he say
something like that to me when he
himself love another girl. Ava .
Even her name is beautiful I can't
find a one reason for jungkook to
not love her.

" Excuse me ??" I mutter and took
deep breaths.

" I like the view " Now I am mad so
fucking mad . He didn't even tell me
that his cousin is back I didn't even
know why she go . Why she just
despair like that .

" I have asked you so many questions .
And this all you have got ?". I cried
through clenched teeths.

I have been lying to myself If i say
that it doesn't have any effect on me.

" Unbelievable ".

" Yes !!!! Unbelievable " His expression

" What ??" There was no mistaking
  his meaning.

" Don't act like you don't know ". He
meet my gaze and roll his eyes.
I backed away , taking few steps
away nearly touching my back to
the wall.

" I don't know what about you are
talking "

" You were on date with Jackson ".

" What !!!" I risked raising my eyes
  to his , knowing the danger of looking
  deep into his chocolate brown eyes.

" This is all you got to answer ?".
   I am not sure why he is saying
   that even if he saw me with him ,
   it doesn't mean that we are a
  couple or something.

" I was not on date . We were just
eating dinner " I spit it out and toss
my head from side to side.

" Why am I not surprised with your
lies ?" In this moment I don't know
of I am more terrified or annoyed.

" Because jungkook that was not lies.
I'm not in habit of lying like some
people ". I spit out the shit I have
been feeling for quite a long.

" You are saying this shit to me right
in my face That I Iie to you ".
After a moment of hesitation I forced
myself to give him an answer.

" I didn't specify that you are the one
who lies " I pushed my wet
hair away from my face.

" Good one , But the fact that you
literally said that to me when no one
is here . So that's mean it was for me ".
Paralyzed I stare into his eyes ,
rapid heartbeat pounding in my

" No jungkook I was saying the facts "
  Casting my eyes downward , I
  choked out.

" Oh really ". i just shrug I was never
going to day this to him I never plan
to say this.

But here I'm .......

" Where did you saw me ?" I

" Does this matter ?"

" Yes !! Its matter "

" No it doesn't matter to me "

" Then why are you asking me ? if you
dont care ?"

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