Chapter : 8

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"Take me Back Again to the
Time I meet ".


" Ah ". I Turned and stared at him Good
Lord . I don't have any I'd what
the hell i'm gonna show him?

" Can you please let me see your I'd?"
He repeated.

" I ....... , ". My body got tense I gulped
But couldn't finished my sentence.

" What are you doing here Peter ?".
His voice come behind from my
Back i knew that voice
instinctively I moved and almost hit
taehyung .

" Nothing , Mr Kim". I gripped my
Dress nervously what in the
Hell taehyung is doing here.

" I was just asking Maam for her I'd ".
And here he goes again , Asking
For my I'd . I don't know why he
Only asked for my I'd in the
Crowd of people .

Is something wrong with me ?

" Why are you troubling her? She is
with me Baby why didn't you told
him that you were with me ".
His head jerk at him , was casually
Looking at me.

" Ah " . I just stared at him in disbelief.
The fuck taehyung is saying

" Sorry for inconvenience Sir and
Maam ". He barely glanced at me
And nod when he left.

" Sorry for troubling you taehyung ".
I said and sat down again but this
time I was not alone taehyung sat
beside me.

" Nah , No probelm . But what are
you doing here? I am getting gut
feelings that jungkook also doesn't
know that you are here ".
An evil smile comes out when he
Saw me squirming in my stupid
Uncomfortable sit.

" I came here for drink . but I didn't
know that they check I'ds ". I dodge
his second question. I don't know
Why but my heart was beating
So fast I had a problem in
Breathing without sounding like
I'm dying.

" Nah , They check I'Ds rarely. And
my gut feeling was saying truth ".
I ordered a light drink first because
it's practically my first time alone
in a club .

Taehyung was staring at me I can tell
but i didn't paid him much mind .
My head was all over place and it
was already occupied by jungkook.

" Boys Matter ?" I turned around and
he was still there drinking his
girn and tonic . I shooked my head
and slipped down all the glass.

" You can share with me , if something
   is bothering you ". He leaned
   Closer his gaze took me all in
   Before returning to my face.

I feel uncomfortable , although he
was looking at me respectfully.

" Nothing important ". I shrugged and
Rubbed my sweaty hands onto the
Front of my dress.

" It's about jungkook doesn't it ?".
  I shooked my head and look at him 
  with a expression of disbelief.

" No why would it be about him ?".
I met his gaze and firmly asked .

" Because you love him ". I was
Looking at the dance floor purposely
Ignoring him but when he said
That all my attention shifted to

" No , I don't ". I nearly choke on
My own spite I know I'm lying
But sometime isn't it good to lie
for your good I don't want to
Acknowledge that I love him or
I have feelings for him.

" You do !! You don't have lie to me
I saw the way you looked at him ".
I rolled my eyes and fisted my
hands on my lap.

" Really ?? And I saw the way you look
at Ava ". I smirked all the glint of
amusement left his eyes.

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